“The rich tax evasion must come to an end,”

“Stefan Löfven and Magdalena Andersson: Now we need to force changes in the EU”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Tax evasion touching on a very deep level. Ordinary people see themselves be left with the bill, while those who have the resources to live a life above the tax system. It feeds the feeling of powerlessness against a rigged system. “

“We social democrats can never accept that the tax becomes optional for the few. Step by step we see to it that everyone pays for themselves. Therefore, we go to the EUROPEAN elections of new measures to stop tax evasion.”

“the EU should not be able to be used by countries, corporations or very rich individuals which drains nations of tax revenue. Tax evasion has been estimated to cost countries in the world, at least 130 billion in tax revenues – every year. It is more than Sweden’s annual budget, including the cost of all the police, armed forces and healthcare. “

“It is a question of morality and justice. All to do right for themselves. We will never see through the fingers of the free-rider on the society in which we jointly built up, and which not rarely been a prerequisite for the individual’s success. “

“Rich tax evasion also means that the entire cost of welfare is applied over the ordinary wage earners or welfare will suffer, if it is about larger groups of children, tighter minutscheman in the care of the elderly or the longer waiting time in the emergency department.”

“Therefore, we have the socialists and democrats worked hard to prevent tax evasion. With joint forces, the international network tightened significantly. It was a time to take a chance and omit the information about the capital account in Jersey, Switzerland or Luxembourg. Through international collaborations, we have seen that it is no longer possible.”

“But more needs to be done. In the EU we have, since two years back a black list of countries that do not live up to certain standards when it comes to tax evasion, the so-called tax havens. “

“the social democrats want to strengthen the criteria for this list in order to force a change in three main areas:

“the social democrats will also push even harder against the unfair tax competition between EU countries. Countries should not compete with each other by lower and lower corporate taxes – it becomes a race where the welfare is suffering, in all countries. “

“Therefore, we want there to be consequences for the EU country that does not listen to the uppförandekodgrupp that work against the harmful skatteregimer in the EU-countries.”

“A strong society requires everyone to do right for themselves. It is not reasonable that those who have most can evade their responsibilities, so that others will pull their load. Therefore, we will fight for a fairer Europe, where everyone takes responsibility so that we can have a prosperity of high quality which will. “

“nStefan Löfven, prime minister (S)nMagdalena Andersson, minister of finance (S)”

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