The tour operator, Hotelplan Suisse, cancelled all trips to Sri Lanka with departure up to and including 31. May 2019. New bookings, there would not be adopted until Further notice, the company said on Saturday. Customers would be contacted and could travel back immediately on request in Switzerland.

Since the Federal Department of foreign Affairs (FDFA) abrate immediately travel to Sri Lanka, to respond Hotelplan Suisse with the travel brands, Migros Ferien, Hotelplan, Tourisme Pour Tous, travel house and the globe of travel, it was called. 24 clients are currently in Sri Lanka. Hotelplan Suisse is watching the situation closely and will, if necessary, extend the cancellation conditions.

Nine Sri Lankan suicide bombers, among them a woman, had on Easter Sunday attacks on three Christian churches and three luxury hotels perpetrated. Among the more than 250 deaths at least 40 were foreign nationals, including a married couple from Berne. The terrorist militia Islamic state (IS), claimed the attacks.


Created: 27.04.2019, 19:10 PM