In a book by a historian at the University of Jena on wheels, the dull pages of the German history after 1945. The authors document the frightening continuity in the attacks from the right. Accordingly, nationalist and extreme right – wing movements were gone, never actually- neither in the Federal Republic of Germany, in the GDR. The book shows that the AfD is an expression of deep-seated, not coming out of conflicts and mentalities. the Review of Tanjev Schultz

the success of The AfD does not come from Nothing. Nationalist and extreme right-wing movements had disappeared in Germany, also not in the GDR.

The told success story from the stable, sensitive state of law, of the has drawn his doctrine from the Nazi Regime, is at least incomplete, if you choose not to ignore the penetrance folkish and racist activities. Line-caller there all the time. Right-wing Terror.

values In a read book on the roles of historian of the University of Jena, the dull pages of the German history after 1945. The scientists Hyper not ventilation.

The talk of the present day does not lose by the worldly-wise historical perspective, a piece of his power

they suggest that Berlin is Weimar. They do not deny the reaching of civil procedure. But they show the recurrences and contradictions in this order – and the shocking continuity in the attacks from the right.

The book spans the time from the imperfect de-Nazification of the many attempts of the past to shake off, or to deny the Holocaust.

It reconstructs the highlights of the NPD in the sixties, the Turks, the hatred and the xenophobia of the Seventies and eighties, and the brutal pogroms after the reunification.

Norbert Frei, Franka Maubach, Christina Morina, Mike Tandler: at The right time. Resist the return of nationalism. Ullstein Verlag, Berlin 2019. 256 Pages, 20 Euros.

(photo: )

Much of it is, in principle, known to the authors but it is possible to arrange the story, and to condense that it is clear that The AfD is not an “accident” of German democracy. It is an expression of deep-seated, not coming out of conflicts and mentalities.

Younger provocations such as Alexander Gaulands “bird shit”speech, or Alexander Dobrindts call for a “conservative Revolution” are arranged in the book. The talk of the present, like to keep his stupidity, or perfidy, by the worldly-wise historical perspective, it loses after all his supposed originality, and a piece of his power.

The GDR and raised anti-fascism, the authors attest to an instrumental, poorly differentiated handling of the story. The “people” had remained in the GDR, a national and ethnically-charged concept. It is to be in the shadow of the official rhetoric of a “small German regionalism”, whose love for the homeland, respects the new right now and run with it.

On both sides of the wall originated in the eighties, “a dangerous Mix of politically forced integration of defense and a self-empowered hatred of foreigners”. In the nineties, this hatred broke out, fueled by the former asylum debate, more railway.

The authors trace the different paths of development in the FRG and the GDR, and stress, but also the East and West German processes and avoid a didactic finger-pointing from one side to the other: “The heated debate about Asylum in the West, met on the Tradition of a self-authorized violence against foreigners in the East, the well-established right-wing radicalism, a movement shaped the rights of a subculture.”

The shift to the right will not lose to terror, he is a better understanding of the

The authors demonstrate convincingly that “the supposed edge have problems on the Right the German history of continuous criss-crossed and more than often supposed: the end of the forty years, the continued talk of a ‘finally’ the necessary conclusion raised in the West, a line under the Nazi past, while it began in the East, to sweep this past under the large rug of anti-fascism.”

sets other than the subtitles is created, the book is less than a blazing polemic because, as the explanatory Essay. To distribute the authorship of four people is risky, but successful: The chapters are well coordinated and pleasant readable style is very consistent.

The shift to the right in the past years does not lose by the provided contextualization of its terror. But it is easier to grasp. So the book actually comes at the right time.