abroad Hot air and sand from the Sahara, in large parts of Greece limits the view. In humid temperatures around the 22 degrees was the visibility limited to a few hundred metres in some parts of the country and on Crete.

Reason for this are the “vast quantities of fine sand from the Sahara” and the strong zuidenwinden above the Mediterranean Sea to South-eastern Europe, said meteorologists. The hot and humid weather for the next days.

Read also Tomorrow, chance of showers with Saharazand: cars may be covered with a thin layer of dust

The Saharastof is coming from countries like Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, and by a southerly flow in the atmosphere the past few days at high altitude through Spain, Italy and France also in our direction flown. For example, the Saharastof there yesterday for that sunlight more broken and the air at a low sun spectacular red colored. That resulted in this beautiful photos on: