A new story about the Democrats as a party have taken form before the next presidential election. It is said that they have gone too far to the left, they listen too much on the radical voices that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Bernie Sanders, and that it therefore needed a good, old-fashioned, pragmatic mittendemokrat who can steer the ship in the right direction again. Someone like Joe Biden.

the story, however, is Joe Biden himself.

On Thursday, is expected to he launch his candidacy to become the democratic presidential candidate. But it takes place in a political climate that does not necessarily lend itself to a pragmatic mittenpolitiker. His single most important argument for setting up in the election is that he is the candidate who has the best chance to win against Donald Trump. The basis for the theory is doubtful, however. Opinion polls can be misleading this early, but they have so far shown that Biden is surprisingly weak against Trump.

Biden has set up in the primaries to become the presidential candidate two times before, in 1988 and 2008, but has not proved particularly impressive as kampanjpolitiker. He has a tendency to throw out ill-considered statements and is no placing of the speakers. In particular, it is difficult to see how the energetic left, which now sets the agenda in the senate, will accept a candidate as Biden.

for several decades in congress, he was known as a relatively conservative democrat and the progressive left in the united states blames him for having been behind an authoritarian agenda for crime and punishment, to support gun laws sponsored by the vapenlobbyn the NRA, and to associate themselves with the financial industry. He also face criticism for his handling of the Anita Bryants testimony against Högstadomstolskandidaten Clarence Thomas, when Biden questioned her stories about the sexual harassment. Together, it has created an image of Biden as a candidate who is out of touch with the Democratic grassroots.

the most enthusiastic supporters, they have already decided to Biden, in principle, is a republican. Vänstertidskriften Harper’s recently published a omslagsartikel, who invited Biden to keep away from the situation.

nor has He any obvious void to fill when it comes to the Democratic mittfåra. A half-dozen candidates, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’rourke and Pete Buttigieg, has already positioned itself as mittendemokrater in the election.

at the same time, it is not possible to deny that Biden remains a popular politician among the Democrats of the older, traditional voters. He is very popular and has a warm, cordial personality which also goes home among americans who are not always reliable democrats. His experience as vice president under Obama is a clear advantage, even in a political climate where the experience is not always rewarded.

During the interviews I made in the spring with democrats across the united states shows Bidens name constantly up in conversations about potential candidates. Many people say that they would rather prefer someone younger or more left-wing candidate, but they think that Biden, after all, is the one that has the best chance.

for Biden. We saw 2016 how it went when the democrats nominated a candidate who everyone thought was eligible, but that are not raised so much pure enthusiasm. Most worrying for the Bidens candidacy is, perhaps, that he himself does not seem convinced that it is a good idea to set it up.

While candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Sanders clearly motivated by a strong ideological belief, it is unclear what Biden really want to. In the spring, he has on several occasions postponed its publication of a presidential candidacy, signaling that he himself is in doubt.

” He has been the lawful president since 1987 but does not seem to have gained control of the most basic things. It should make us worried, ” says a former Biden staff to The Atlantic.

So Joe Biden does not really seem sure if he should really be set up in the presidential election. It is not normally the best starting point for a victorious candidate, but especially not in a presidential election where AMERICA’s future as a democracy and the rule of law is at stake.