The British Prime Minister, Theresa May wants to avoid not only a new Brexit Referendum in the United Kingdom. She also rejects a second independence Referendum for Scotland categorically.

such was Scotland’s head of government Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday, newly brought into play. In a keynote speech, the Chairman of the Scottish national party (SNP) said that the Scots have a choice between Brexit and a future for Scotland must be offered “as an independent European Nation” – and before the next Scottish Parliament elections in may 2021, so in the next two years.

Sturgeon has indicated for the first time, a period in which you hold a new independence Referendum is a sensible one. However, you need the consent of the government in London. And May exclude a new ballot of the Scots.

Alternative forms

The independence Referendum just five years, the Scottish separatists were set with 45 percent of the vote. Since then there have been, of course, the Brexit Referendum, to be voted at the Scotland, with 62 per cent 38 per cent for EU-membership.

That London wool tugging the Scots, in spite of such a clear expression of now with all the violence from the EU, would be catastrophic for your country, complained Sturgeon yesterday. “Scotland should be a prosperous country and a driving force in Europe. Instead, we are pushed gewaltam to the edge – in a United Kingdom that finds itself increasingly on the periphery of the international stage.”

In their appeal to the Scots Sturgeon left open the possibility with the other parties in Scotland, nor to any alternative higher forms to some self-determination.

Better survey

required to pay While you want to make it to the end of the year, a draft law for a new Scotland Referendum, to have such a law for 2020 of Europe, plans to you at the same time, discussions with Edinburgh’s opposition parties on a “better future” for Scotland – and a citizens ‘ Assembly to make appropriate thoughts.

Sturgeon acknowledged yesterday that they need to pay a better Survey before you can request a new Scotland-Referendum seriously by London. Currently, the proponents of Scottish independence are in the polls still. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 24.04.2019, 22:03 PM