Better in an equally cynical as macabre sense – would not have been able to plan for the allegedly Islamist bombers in Sri Lanka, their acts of murder. You to beat, as the Christians celebrated, there Easter, the Feast of the resurrection, and the hope that death and suffering, hatred, violence and injustice will not have the last word in the story. The violence against the praying is the faith of the nihilistic counter-proposal to this Easter.

And the perpetrators were aware of and in compliance with the laws of the global media attention chosen the Christians in the country. In Sri Lanka they are a minority of just seven per cent of the population, but in the mind of their killer, they stand for “the” hated West. An attack against the Buddhists, against members of the majority and state religion, therefore, might have the shock outside the country is limited. But a visibly shattering, Pope Francis occurs on Easter day in front of the believers in Rome; on the worldwide Easter joy of the Christians, a shadow is.

It is hardly one of the main festivals of Christianity, without that of any where violence and Terror against Christians and their churches to be reported. You should encounter the information of the organization “Open Doors” with the utmost caution, according to which the Christians are now the most persecuted religious community in the world. But in fact, many Christians pay, whether in India or Pakistan, the Middle East or in Africa, their Faith with their economic and social existence, your home, your health and your life.

enemies without the right to life

you have to pay the price for that is still far from defeated Islamist terrorists and their ideological accomplices Christians, not the respected Scripture are the owner of, as it says in the Qur’an and how it is so in Islam, according to would be, but enemies without the right to life. You have to pay the price that economic, ethnic and regional conflicts are increasingly instrumentalised religious, and charged in Sri Lanka, for example, by the government official Buddhism, the afflicted, the Christians and the Muslim minority, should now, after the attacks, new Repression. And you have to pay the price, that it is also in the West, preacher of the second Crusade, who believe that the world was before the great final battle for dominion of the true Religion.

Who murdered the praying people, the humanity in total in the visor; and there, where freedom of religion is trampled, it is usually the other people right bad. Pope Francis, Shaken, on Easter Sunday, therefore, the correct answer to the murder of the praying: He prayed for all the people who are hit by the violence and by the global indifference to their fate – whether Muslim or Christian, whether a believer or not.

Yes, police officers and investigators must do their work, and also in Europe, a hard no is necessary to any aggressive religious fundamentalism, the Not – and the existence of believers denies the right. The strongest response from the Christian would be your Easter hope: hatred, violence and contempt for human life will not remain the same. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.04.2019, 19:23 PM