Now he is so out of it. The U.S. Department of justice has released the Mueller report, which deals with the Russian influence on the presidential election in 2016. It contains numerous blacked-out passages. According to the Minister of justice, William Barr, this is not necessary, to violate the privacy of individuals, sensitive secret service to withhold information or to not affect ongoing court proceedings.

U.S. President Donald Trump is now triumphant. The report got him relieved in all points, he says, and twitters, his opponents were now “Game Over”. However, on closer examination, that’s not true. The Mueller report has dealt in the core with two questions. The first question was whether Trump himself or his Team had something to do with the Russian influence on the presidential election in 2016. The second question was whether Trump has hindered in any way the investigations of the judiciary, which he’s not allowed to, of course. If the out would be, he would have to resign.

For the first question: The Russian influence itself is described in detail in the report; they took place on the one hand, on social networks, in which, for example, from Russia-controlled Bots sent political messages. On the other hand, the Mueller Report makes the Russian intelligence service GRU as the Central actor, the hacked Emails from the environment of the democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Wikileaks released it later. In these points, the Mueller report seems to US to relieve the President actually clear. After a detailed investigation, he finds no evidence that Trump or someone from his environment had something to do with the influence.

But The relief does not apply in relation to the second question, i.e., whether Trump has hampered the investigation. Mueller writes: “(…)if we would have, after the exact investigation of the facts of certainty that the President did not interfere with the judiciary clearly, then, we would write it that way. On the basis of the facts and the applicable legal provisions, we are not able to come to this conclusion.”

Why, the Mueller sets out in ten episodes.

The ten episodes

trump’s conduct in the matter of James Comey and Michael Flynn: This is Trumps to be known to become one Meet with then-FBI Director James Comey. The President called for the “loyalty” and the setting of the investigation against his national security Advisor, Michael Flynn.

trump’s reaction to the Russia-investigations by the FBI: The U.S. President tried to convince the then Minister of justice Jeff Sessions to stop the investigation. Sessions should convince the secret services that Trump had in the election campaign, no contacts to Russia. Sessions held on by it, and fell however in disgrace.

The Firing of James Comey as FBI chief and the events that have led to: is A Surprise, the dismissal was probably for Comey himself, learned about it myself via the television. The official reason: the work of The Federal police during the investigation into the email affair, his rival for the presidency, Hillary Clinton.

Trumps reaction to the appointment of Mueller’s, and efforts to fire him again: As a special investigator for the Russia-tangles has been appointed, should Trump said this meant “the end of my presidency”. He should have tried to let Mueller fire.

Trumps Attempts to curtail the investigation by the special Prosecutor: In the Mueller report will refer to published Details about how the US President urged his Minister of justice, the Russia-investigation as “unfair” and later the powers of Mueller’s limit. Sessions, to be referred to later, in a testimony before the intelligence Committee of the Senate, the Russia-accusations as “vile lie”.

Trump wanted to prevent the publication of Emails to a construction project in Moscow: . The emails were in connection with the Trump-Tower-Meeting at 9. June 2016 between the Russians and the senior members of trump’s campaign team. With the Trump Tower in Moscow, the current President wanted to deepen its business relations to Russia. The agreements in ran, among others, his former lawyer, Michael Cohen. Trump negotiated with the Russians, as he had entered in the election campaign for the U.S. presidency – and was therefore potentially open to blackmail.

efforts that had the goal that the Minister of justice Sessions takes on the Russia-investigations: Trump is to repeatedly and persistently tried to convince Sessions to take the Russia-studies in the own Hand. And even still, after this had been publicly announced, including the fingers. Sessions Trumps claims refused and was later fired by him.

Trump tried to put his former legal counsel Don McGahn under pressure: He instructed him to deny that Trump tried to fire special Prosecutor Mueller. Trump was not successful in this, McGahn cooperated with investigators.

The conduct of the President regarding the investigation against Michael Flynn, the former campaign Manager Paul Manafort: After Trumps had decided former security Advisor to Flynn, to cooperate with Muelller, let him Trump has a message to transmit. It was that Trump was very receptive and that he would be happy to be notified when a piece of Information could be the President of dangerous. Mistrust is also the fact that Trump adored his former election campaign Manager Paul Manafort public, as it became known, that the refused, with Mueller to cooperate to excite Mueller said. In the section of the report there is also a third Person, whose Name is redacted.

trump’s behavior towards his former lawyer Michael Cohen: After all, what we know, Trump donates his former lawyer, to say in regard to a construction project in Moscow, the untruth, which he negotiated during his presidential candidacy. As Cohen cooperated later with the Congress and said, let Trump him fall. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.04.2019, 20:39 PM