Virpi Kätkä tell you to cope with the English program in marriage with her ex-husband. Tauski field of is words to say to the ex-spouse claims.Tauski and Janne Hurme make the reel to the lions song in 2015.

Singer Virpi Kätkä , 49, recalled his tough ex-marriage to survive the English program. Virpi according to the ex-husband’s use of alcohol is reflected in family life. Virpi told, inter alia, pakoilleen in a home of mental and physical violence by spending with the kids all day in the mall.

She told the evening journal in an interview last weekend that the contentious divorce she was not allowed to see her son for seven months. He was not allowed contact with her father living by his first-born son, because he had no discussion between the children with the father.

Virpi stated in an interview that Tauski sober nucleus has played a big role in the ex-couple’s reconciliation. Today, Virpi and Tauski between are good and the children spend time with both parents.

the evening paper in contact with the Tauski frets that he and Virpi former marriage riitoineen has once again come to the topic of Survivor. Virpi with things however we agreed a couple of years ago.

I never reply to these abuse accusations in the public eye, because I know I’m innocent, and I’ve wanted to make a big deal out of things, Tauski said.

Tauski live as a single woman. Esa Pesonen

He recalls that Virpi assault allegation originated from an ugly breakup when the ex-couple fight for custody of the children for years in court.

I Can with a clear conscience say, that such an assault has not occurred. The turku police department criminal investigation has cleared eight years ago, that Virpi abuse argument has no sense at all. The matter did not proceed to the prosecutor, Tauski said.

touring as an artist Tauski is concerned about the publicity photo, which assault claim they smear.

– It is hard to tell who will experience what mental violence, but when I have not been convicted of assault, Virpi, claims like that are offensive.

Tauski remind him that he’s got one fine access.

I’ve been suffering for years a woman-beating reputation, which is not true. Either the woman has not once been beaten. Any judgment I have not received, not only Henna Peltonen it was found that it is possible that I could have slapped him with an open palm to the earlobe. Here I got a 150 euro fine.

Tauski the background to be its Virpi Kätkä with in a secret relationship from 1993 to 2002, when there was still elsewhere married. Tauski left then their spouse and get married, Virpi with the year 2003. The federation lasted until 2011.

She had seen the normal Finnish men alcohol use long before we were married. He’s had nine years to think about the worth of such a man to marry and move in together. I’m used to quantify alcohol in the dimensions of the tree than Finnish men on average use. I’ve never been an alcoholic, Tauski said his ex-wife’s alcoholism allegations referring to.

the difference between the a couple of fighting children for a long time in court. Tauski tell you that at one point he didn’t see his children for years when the kids lived Virpi’s house. The first-born son, seven-month difference from the mother due to the fact that the father, the son didn’t want to live with his mother.

This was the boys own decision when he turned 11 years. He stayed to live with me. The following summer I arranged for mother and son bilateral meetings, so they were okay.

Today, Tauski take care of a healthy lifestyle. As a single woman living a man’s life partner is a 2,5-year-old chow chow -dog, Paddington.

– Try to spend a healthy life, because I would like to be an artist for another seven-year old. Alcohol I haven’t used for years and tobacco poltonkin I’m finished. I’ve been playing hockey since last autumn 4-5 times a week.

Tauski told me he was sensitive. I hear dog is a difficult command. Esa Pesonen