Showbizz In the row, plastic surgery addicts is Pixee Fox still somewhere near the top. Just 29 become is this model is already 200 times under the knife gone. Her goal: to look like one of her cartoonheldinnen: Holly Would from Cool World, princess Aurora from “The sleeping Beauty,” and Jessica Rabbit from ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’.
Pixee grew up in a village in Sweden. She learned to be an electrician, but dreamed of a lot of glamoureuzer life. Her first paycheck, she gave out a rhinoplasty. The first of many ‘corrections’. As early twenties, she moved to the States. There she came recently in the spotlight when she wanted to participate in ‘Botched’, an American tv show in which plastic surgeons people with a look, ‘problem’ help. Pixee wanted her hairline to let shifting, but was rejected.
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The surgeons put Pixee from her hairline exactly on the right place and convinced her to stop with the plastic surgery. They think Pixee to morfodysforie suffering, a psychological condition that is also known as ‘imagined ugliness’.
Prohibited practices
That Pixee is still alive, should actually be called a miracle. Because many of the procedures they had to perform are extremely risky. If the doctors in America do not want to help, search for Pixee it elsewhere. So left them in India appelblauw-sea green eye – implants to make. ‘Cartoongroen’ she calls it: “It is not very that they are permanent. That’s precisely the beauty of plastic surgery, they always are.”
The implants through a small incision in the eye injected. “It takes less than fifteen minutes, under local anesthesia,” says Pixee. This procedure is, however, very dangerous. With us and in the US they are forbidden is because of the high risk of blindness.