There is still high voltage on the gold, but one League title may already be distributed now.

Esbjerg is this season’s big positive surprise, and vestjyderne continued at the weekend the ascent, when they won 2-1 against FC Nordsjælland on its synthetic turf in Farum.

the Team is now only one point after the OB in third place and can rejoice in having taken the fuse in all the kingdom fodboldeksperter. Also Ekstra Stig Tøfting.

He had before the season is not thought that Esbjerg would end in medaljeslutspillet. And since the surprise was a reality, expected ’Chug’ not that they would win a match in the finals …

– It’s great football, and I can only facilitate on the hat for those results, as Esbjerg have achieved. And when you look at the first matches, it’s completely okay that they are in the playoffs.

– The lost increased to FCK, got a draw against the number two and has now won on the turf, where the FCK have not won since 2013. It is strong, says Stig Tøfting.

Esbjerg was not convincing in last season in the 1. division, but came barely up in the premier League.

Esbjerg has hired Carlo Holse as the replacement for Anders Dreyer in the winter transfervindue. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix
the Club sold early in the season his young top scorer Anders Dreyer, but it has not affected the results negatively. On the contrary.

– I think that they have some interesting plays with speed, and there is no team in the league, as they don’t have a chance against. It is rare that they are run the middle, says Stig Tøfting, who in particular highlight a number of the experienced forces, when he should explain the vestjyske success:

– They’ve got some players who really blossomed after they came to Esbjerg. Markus Halsti had a hard time in FC Midtjylland, but is important for Esbjerg.

Joni Kauko was nothing special in Randers FC, but has been a big profile with its objectives. And then there’s also, of course, Rodolph Austin, which was not in Farum, and Lasha Parunashvili.

On the trænerbænken sitting Dutch John Lammers. He has composed the young and slightly older forces for a powerful mix, as it causes most opponents problems.

– As Ted van Leeuwen stopped in the summer, I was not sure that he sat as firmly in the saddle, but it is different now.

– I can only give him the biggest pat on the back for it, he manages to do by this team. And then he is actually also great sympathetic hearing, always calm and well-balanced.

Only one thing at the west jutland club have disappointed Stig Tøfting in this season: no more spectators have been at the stadium to follow the Lammers’ succeshold.

In this season sounds hjemmebanesnittet preliminary at 5176.

– It is too little for a fodboldby as Esbjerg. It is a great city with a great stadium, when you look good, no matter where you sit.

– There should be more to come, and hopefully there will be filled up Thursday against Brøndby. It could apply to bronze, says Ekstra fodboldkommentator, Stig Tøfting.

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