on Monday evening tinted the controversial partistifter and extremist islamkritiker Rasmus Paludan, who stands behind the party Tight Course, back in the ‘Go’ aften Danmark’, where he gave an interview to host Felix Smith.

the Rasmus Paludan in the ‘Go’ tonight’programme. Photo: TV2

the Interview took place in the aftermath of the violent unrest and violent riots, which on Sunday broke out in Nørrebro in the aftermath of one of paludan’s demonstrations on Blågårds Plads, where he threw the koran. Several were arrested after the riots that left parts of the city in fire and ruins.

That TV2 have chosen to invite the controversial City and into the studio subsequently is, therefore, also been a lot of danes in the chest.

On the social media is more critical of that City have been invited to a ‘fun’interview, where, according to many viewers was not asked enough critical questions to the controversial partistifter.

Community – 16. apr. 2019 – at. 12:53 Tight Course heralds new demonstration

‘Fy for satan, TV2! Add where is In however heinous. Think to invite a newly-convicted racist in the studio and give him talk time. In is eddermame miserable. Think that helps to normalize a man like Rasmus Paludan and his hateful, racist, around a government building which lies!!!, write an angry Twitter user.

‘I’ve turned off the TV2, that throughout the day, shelves R. Paludan. Terrible that a person gets so much tv time. Ten as the person to death. Let him keep his demo’s and keep you away – it applies to all journalists – and tell us where he next time, up to provo everything and all’, writes a forward, while a third continues:

‘If you have forgotten, which formidable piece of work, TV2 has done for DF and xenophobia, you can be reminded of it these days’, is further from a user, also share a pictures TV2’s interview with ralph waldo emerson.

the Rasmus Paludan created chaos, as he demonstrated on Blågårds Plads on Sunday afternoon. Photo: Anthon Unger

On Twitter abound right now also a Tweet from TV2, which they are apparently defending their interview with the City and with that you can’t call him right-wing.

‘There is no evidence to call him ‘right-wing’. There is nothing in the Tight Rate, which indicates how far the policy is right – or left out from, for example, distributional and political criteria. The policy is directed exclusively against islam and the alien’, sounds from TV2 in tweetet.

It is, however, later been deleted on the grounds that it is an internal mail that has been shared by mistake.

‘We have deleted an answer, such as the pga. a misunderstanding, quoting from internal mail taken from a different context. The answer was a clear error – which we very much regret, saith the TV2.

the Unrest in Copenhagen. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

In the thread explains the TV2 also the reasons why they chose to invite ralph waldo emerson in the studio.

‘We had Rasmus Paludan in the studio yesterday to get his response on how he reacts to the troubles around his demonstrations, and the high cost associated with them. At the same time he is the centre of an essential discussion about the limits of free speech’, is the answer.

For Extra Magazine explains Henriette Ladegaard, who is the editor on the ‘Go’ aften Danmark’, that they had made thorough considerations, before they invited the City and in the studio.

‘We thought it was important to get his response on how he will address the unrest that has arisen around his demonstrations, and the high cost, the demonstrations involve society. And so is ralph waldo emerson right now the center of an important discussion about the limits of freedom of expression in Denmark – as we are in the same program folded out with the debate between the Unity and the Conservatives and with an interview with a woman who is planning a peaceful counter-demonstration’, she writes in an email, and continues:

‘We believe that the discussion about the limits of free speech in Denmark, which just takes up much in the debate and in the media, is very significant. In this context it is relevant to try to get paludan’s own explanation of why he acts as he does’.

the Devastation in the aftermath of the riots. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix/ Philip Davali

– more and More people are writing on social media, to In on TV2 to spread his controversial views by letting him put up in the ‘Go’ aften Danmark’ – what are your thoughts about it?

‘We believe in part that it is important to get paludan’s own explanation – and, secondly, that it would have been amputated to take a debate that largely has him as the center, if he is not sat there. ‘Go’ aften Danmark’ should reflect on the good and evil occupy the danes the most, and the City has been one of the most controversial figures in Denmark this week’, says the editor.

– Several viewers write that the interview was too ‘cosy’. Should you not have gone ’harder’ to him mark’s square?

‘I think that was asked the right questions about paludan’s view of the unrest and the devastation of provocation in order to achieve trouble, and about the possible consequences, f.ex. people who could be hurt. And then there was the interview, of course, a part of a larger context of debate and other critical parties – and in the morning we continued on fol.a. with an expert, who was critical to the City as a YouTube phenomenon and also that we had him in the studio’, ends Henriette Ladegaard.