The emissions of greenhouse gas has been in 2017, compared to the previous year, slightly lower than in the previous year. Overall, the emissions were 12 percent below those of 1990. However, transport and buildings sector achieve the set emission targets is expected.

47.2 million of CO2 Equivalents amounted to the greenhouse gas emissions in 2017. The around one Million tonnes less than in 2016, as the Federal office for the environment (FOEN) announced on Monday. Reason was that the building industry required less fossil fuels.

a Mild Winter and heating replacement

The footprint of the building amounted to 2017 in accordance with the greenhouse gas inventory of 12.6 million tonnes of CO2-Equivalents, 0.6 million tonnes less than in the previous year, and about as much as 2015. Overall, the building emissions for 2017 were 26 percent lower than in 1990; the goal, however, in the case of minus 40 percent by 2020.

the reduction in emissions from 2017, are Due to the warm Winter and the fact that Oil and gas heating systems shut down and the buildings were made more energy-efficient. That Winter still has a great influence, shows, according to the FOEN is an essential part of the homes would still be heated with fossil energy.

The 15 million tonnes of CO2 Equivalent from road transport are a percent more than the emissions of 1990. The emissions decreased from 2017 to 2 percent, the decrease in fuel tourism from abroad in Switzerland and the growth of Bio-fuels to about 2 percent.


Per kilometre, the vehicles emit less CO2 than even earlier. These savings were, however, compensated by the fact that more miles were driven. According to current estimates, the traffic would not achieve the emission target of minus 10 percent by 2020, clear, writes to the FOEN.

The industry joined in 2017 10.7 million tonnes of CO2 Equivalent, 18 percent less than in 1990. The reduction target of minus 15 percent is achieved, but the CO2 remains stable for several years, as the FOEN. Thus, the emissions continue to decline, the need for additional measures.

the emissions of The agriculture since 2000, at around 6.5 million tonnes of CO2-Equivalents and are, thus, about 10 percent lower than in 1990. Massively increased – by 2016 – however, the use of synthetic greenhouse gases such as refrigerants.

The FOEN is expected that the emissions of synthetic greenhouse gases will decrease with the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in Switzerland. However, the target of minus 10 percent by 2020 is likely to be missed in this area is scarce, and fears of, the FOEN.

the criticism from the WWF

the data comes from The annual greenhouse gas inventory. So is checked, where Switzerland is, given its obligations. The Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions between 2013 and 2020 compared to 1990 to 15.8 percent. The CO2 act prescribes for 2020 a reduction of 20 percent compared to 1990.

The WWF wrote to the inventory, and that Switzerland is a sink greenhouse gas emissions is only half as fast as necessary. In order to maintain the objectives of the Paris climate agreement on price, would decrease the emissions per year of around 4 percent. The NGO called for “truth in Costs” for all emitters of greenhouse gases. (ij/sda)

Created: 15.04.2019, 12:57 PM