“Hunting on the new L-leader of the ideas of the”

“Now the Liberals find a new leader into a new phase. The nominating committee shall identify which candidates have the most support and go on tour.”

“so Far, only former minister Nyamko Sabuni said that she wants to take over.”

“At the weekend nominated for the Liberals in western Sweden Christer Nylander, Helene Odenjung, Nyamko Sabuni, and Erik Ullenhag as their favorites to the new parliament after the Jan Björklund.”

“the Party’s länsförbund and members have been invited to give many suggestions on possible party leader. And among those who have told us what the nominated the circulating roughly the same name: ms Nyamko Sabuni, former minister and now ambassador Erik Ullenhag, the party’s group leader in parliament, Christer Nylander, member of parliament, Johan Pehrson, and EU commissioner Cecilia Malmström.”

“The latter, however, has very firmly declined. She doesn’t want to take a new political mission when she leaves the EUROPEAN commission in the autumn.”

“In last Friday, ms Nyamko Sabuni that she is a candidate for the partiledarjobbet. Erik Ullenhag, who is seen as her main competitor, has so far been low. He has not done any interviews and has not in other ways been told if he’s interested.”

“Whoever takes over after Jan Björklund has a tough task ahead of them. The party is struggling with low poll and is divided after the winter internal battle on which regeringsalternativ you would support.”

“the Committee must now sift out the candidates that have the broadest support. The ambition is to work in silence in order not to interfere with the electoral campaign for the EUROPEAN parliament.”

“If the plan holds, there will be three candidates to be presented at the end of may or beginning of June. These people will get to travel around to different places in the country to meet members and participate in hearings, when they will present what they want with the party.”

“Only then shall länsförbunden formally nominate their partiledarfavorit and the choice is made, then an extra landsmöte 28 June. Then have the newly elected party leader a week to prepare for their first partiledartal in the World.”

“april 15: First sonderingsfasen ends.”

“april 16–may 31: Low-intensity phase during the EU-valskampanjen.”

“31 may–10 June: Hearingfasen, then the nominating committee presents the main candidates who were allowed to participate in hearings around the country.”

“June 10–June 18: Nomineringsfasen, then länsförbunden formally nominates its candidate.”

“June 28: Partiledarval.”

“July 3: the Liberals’ day during the Almedalen week in Visby.”