CVP-Ständerat Pirmin Bischof was happy to early, as he broke out on Wednesday in Federal court in Lausanne, cheers. The judge issued a historic judgment, because they cancelled the first vote. The people just rejected CVP-Initiative for the elimination of the marriage penalty gets a second Chance.

But now, it is evident: For, the CVP this is especially a burden. A majority of the Federal house group wants to discriminate-sex couples, and rejected the own – initiative text.

Many of the CVP-politicians interfere with the concept of marriage, which is defined in the Initiative as a “long-term and legally regulated living community of a man and a woman”. “It is time to define marriage as a mere connection between a man and a woman,” says the Thurgauer Councillor Brigitte Häberli.

Even in the conservative party wing, there is resistance: “For me, marriage and registered partnership means that two people in good times and in bad to support. Whether it is a man and a woman, is not relevant,” says the Zug councillor Peter Hegglin.

marriage for all: “broad social consensus”

The internal critics therefore demand a correction. “It was wrong to take the concept of marriage in the Initiative closely,” says the Lucerne, the Swiss Council of States Konrad Graber. “For me, it is clear that the disputed Ehedefinition must be removed,” says national councillor Kathy Ricklin of Zurich. But this is only possible if the template comes again to the Parliament. In addition, the Federal Council has not yet decided, he could make the Initiative directly to the people.

“For me, it is clear that the Federal Council and the Parliament, again on the Initiative to discuss”, says the Swiss national Council, Alois Gmür. The opportunity “in a Aufwisch the marriage penalty, and to define the concept of marriage precisely so that this also applies to same-sex couples offer”.

The development of the marriage penalty initiative shows that Even the CVP, which once went from the conservative Catholic Milieu, can no longer cling to the traditional Eheform. Times have changed, says the St. Galler national Council Thomas Ammann. “Today, the vast majority of the CVP is behind the same-sex partnership.”

In the Federal house will be discussed, meanwhile, already have the marriage for all. If the CVP is support is open. The pressure on the internal opponents of marriage for all is now, but again bigger. “I’m clearly in favour of marriage will be introduced for all, including same-sex. There is also a wider social consensus today,” says Karl Vogler, the national Council of Obwalden.

CVP-chief Pfister is for device-internal under-pressure

The demand for a correction of the Ehebegriffs brings CVP-chief, Gerhard Pfister in distress. He tried the discussion, as well as it goes, Dodge, and shall, on request, that it is now the primary issue is to eliminate the discrimination between married and registered couples in the tax and AHV. An adaptation of the Ehebegriffs is not for him, so in the foreground.

Pfister believes that the Initiative for the marriage penalty have a majority of potential also with the Definition of marriage between a man and a woman, as he said yesterday to the Radio SRF. He justified this with the close outcome of the vote and the false Figures that had been known to the Federal government for the Initiative. Therefore, the Federal court declared the result null and void.

in Addition to the internal differences faced by the CVP also with external resistors. In Parliament, a counter-proposal to get through, you would have the party a majority in the bring together. Whether this succeeds, is more than questionable. According to the SP group chief Roger Nordmann, it is not done with an adaptation of the Ehebegriffs””. The CVP Initiative would undermine the introduction of individual taxation, which would be for the SP and the FDP, a Problem. Nordmann therefore comes to the conclusion that “the CVP desperately seeks a way to dispose of your homophobic Initiative.”

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 13.04.2019, 22:42 PM