Producers tell how Avicii SOS-a song was born.Avicii SOS-the song is about a man’s personal battle.

the Producer Kristoffer Fogelmark and Albin Nedler tell you you avicii of postyymisti published SOS-a song of birth.

in an interview with the producers using avicii’s real first name, Tim .

– we Met him when Tim was working on another studio album.

Soon we became his fans and we started to work with him.

Tim was a humble and warm people, Albin told me.

it was as if He saw through people. I think he knew as soon as in the early days, what kind of person you are. It, too, is a kind of talent, Christopher continued.

SOS song is often born from a small idea. Still, Tim worked mercilessly.

When we started to sing melodies, he was very specific about how certain phrases that were sung.

I Remember one phrase he listened to about 50 times, over and over again, Albin told me.

– Initially we don’t quite realize where one and the same point of playing it. But when I heard the finished result, I realized what he’s been chasing, Albin continued.

Tim’s wish was that the album would come again Aloe Blacc . Before the Aloes were able to ask according to, Tim, passed away.

– the fact that the Aloe came to this, was originally Tim’s idea. It was important to us that it also came true.

They had a long shared history, the producers remind.

Aloe Blacc sing avicii’s 2013 release ‘ Wake me Up -single.

I’m very honored that he asked me Aloe told me.

with aloe has certain ideas about what SOS song lyrics have Avicii wanted to tell.

– Probably Tim was really heavy when he wrote it.

He wrote these words, who his battles. At the same time he gives people words of how to ask for help.

according to reports, avci was suffering from depression and a bad alcohol problem.

Avicii SOS-the song gets a whole new meaning when you know the artist’s background.

Can you hear me, SOS / help me put my mind to rest.

Freely translated by: can you Hear me, SOS / help me to calm my mind.

a video interview you can watch here.