The UN security Council in an emergency session, concerned about the situation in Sudan. For frustration is the refusal of the military, Ex provided also in power, al-Bashir to The Hague.

The most powerful UN body deliberated behind closed doors on the situation in Sudan. In connection, the German Ambassador to the UN, Christoph Heusgen, who is currently the rotating chair, turned briefly to the waiting journalists. He said that it must now adhere to a credible, inclusive political process. The only way the can succeed in all deliberate Transition to a new Sudan.

such A Transition to a democratic, civilian government, however, seems questionable at the moment. For three decades, has dominated Omar al-Bashir of the Sudan, was itself the result of a military coup to Power. Now, the military has left the 75-Year-old fall. A change in the system but looks different. A military Transitional Council – for two years – has taken over the Power. The Opposition, however, had gone in great numbers on the road, calls for a civilian transition government.

International arrest warrant against al-Bashir has addiction stock

The International criminal court for al-Bashir for genocide and war crimes. The appropriate Resolution and the international arrest warrant had more stock, so Heusgen. All the countries are committed to the delivery of the autocrats.