the Image of the sudanese revolt shows a young woman. The movement was ledarlös but it was the 22-year-old arkitekturstudenten Alaa Salah as singing from a carport in Khartoum, wearing the traditional dress toub, had to symbolize the wrath of the people against the state of things in Sudan. Now, the people have got their will through after Omar al-Bashir arrested and is succeeded by a transitional council of military management. If two years from now, an election will be held, said defense minister Awad Ibn Ouf on state tv, according to several news agencies.

in the final battle has been critical of al-Bashir’s exit from the presidential palace, but it had not made its decision without inspiration from the hundreds of thousands of sudanese from different backgrounds who over the last days, weeks, and months, have demonstrated their discontent against the regime.

Now, the set point for al-Bashir’s maktinnehav, just a few months before he had been able to celebrate 30 years as the leader of the country. It was on 30 June 1989 that the then-45-year-old captain, led a coup without violence, toppled the then prime minister Sadiq al-Mahdi. A couple of years later switched to al-Bashir’s title to president and consolidated power through massive purges of dissidents and the ban on competing parties.

decades passed through one crisis after the other through the skillful political games. During the 1990s civil war, he played out different rebellarméer against each other (which had a severe impact in today’s south Sudan) and he managed to stay at the top despite the division of the country which was formerly the largest in Africa.

When a quarter of the country’s area, and the majority of the oil reserves, 2011 disappeared with south sudan’s independence began the economic more seriously and already seven years ago the country was rocked by protests. He promised then not to stand for re-election, but because this promise was broken, there were few who thought on similar promises this time.

since 2008 been wanted by the international criminal court (ICC) in the Hague, for crimes committed by the security forces in the province of Darfur in the western parts of the country in the early 2000s. ICC-the call has hung like a sword of damocles over al-Bashir, who created headlines when he still managed to travel relatively unhindered in Africa.

It looked as if the opening was on the way when it came to the ICC prosecution, after the migration has forced western leaders to rethink their attitude to the president. Sudan is a transit country for some of the largest migrantgrupperna that takes from Africa over the Mediterranean sea.

It was ironic enough this tinande relationship that was his case. During the call for financial support from the IMF abolished the subsidies of food and just the price of a loaf of bread, became the tuvan who would tip over the cart. The protests broke out during last year’s last month and gathered people from a range of different groupings.

and gazing out over the african continent and its 54 countries, we can conclude that a long series of so-called ”dinosaurs” – powerful men who ruled long after their best-before-dates – forcibly removed after the internal revolt or democratic processes over the past five years, most recently when Algeria’s ageing leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika announced his resignation as late as 1 april, after 20 years in power.

last winter, was forced Kabila to throw in the towel in the Congo-Kinshasa after the age of 18 years and a few steps both Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe (37 years in power) Angola’s José Eduardo Dos Santos (40 years in power) to the side. We have seen the Gambian despot Yahya Jammeh to leave (21 years in power) and in the past, Burkina Faso has become of Blaise Compaoré, after 27 years of maktinnehav. Sudan’s neighbour to the east, Ethiopia, undergoing in parallel, a dramatic change of policy in the prime minister, Abiy Ahmed leadership.

Image 1 of 3 A long series of so-called ”dinosaurs” have fallen in Africa in recent years. In January rose Joseph Kabila, aside from the presidency in the Congo-Kinshasa. Photo: John Bompengo Slide 2 of 3 Robert Mugabe, in the middle, was forced to leave his job in Zimbabwe in november 2017. Photo: Erik Esbjörnsson , Erik Esbjörnsson Slide 3 of 3 , Yahya Jammeh, president of Gambia, to step aside in January 2017, after 21 years. Photo: Jerome Delay Slideshow

and the new leaders are not very enthusiastic when it comes to respond to the ageing colleagues ‘ defense.

The major explanation for this trend is that a continental hälsorevolution that began in the 1990s, has created a demographic hump of the survivors of the young people who are now adults, and higher demands on their leaders. They are armed with new means of communication, and moves in an urban landscape where the old controllers feel lost.

It is no coincidence that the image on Alaa Salah is not taken by one person but spread in many variants and on all of the images displayed other protestors with camera phones in hand.

do not Be surprised if more despots get fired soon. Those that should worry are Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni and Cameroon’s Paul Biya. But the spark can be lit anywhere.

It is too early to predict its political future. the the Revolt has not had any natural leaders and large parts of al-Bashir’s establishment will have every reason to try to implement a purely cosmetic change to stay in the pots. It would be naive to believe in an immediate flourishing of spring in the Sudan even if militärledarna said that elections should be held in two years.

al-Bashir’s part, it was certainly important not to be too konfrontatorisk (by his standards) in the final stage, since the ICC indictment restricts his opportunities for a life in exile.

surely the cake of the day. The court has been torn by a series of setbacks in recent years and now is the opportunity to finally take al-Bashir to skranket. An actual disclosure would be an excellent way for the new leaders to jump-start the relationship to the EU and the united states. But a speaking in the ointment is that he is no longer the big trophy, the court needed to, because he no longer has any power.