When 4 out of 10 teachers report that they are considering to stop because of dokumentationsbördan, so it is a warning sound on the highest volume for our decision-makers. When 8 out of 10 say that the extent of the documentation makes them stressed, so has something fundamentally gone very wrong in the Swedish school. And when almost 8 out of 10 believe that the documentation requirements helps to reduce job satisfaction, so must be reasonably the government become tangible and begin to act.

All with decision-making power in the school must understand that how alarming these figures are.

It is in a school that is already suffering badly from a huge shortage of competent teachers. Today is 3 out of 10 teachers in primary schools unauthorised. To cope with retirements and the growing number of students, according to figures from SALAR to 187.000 new teachers need to be recruited until 2031. Already taken approximately 65,000 teachers in our schools and kindergartens.

at the same time has 38.000 trained teachers have chosen to leave the teaching profession. When the Union asked what would be required for them to come back will return unequivocally two things: a higher salary and less workload. In the study the teachers ‘ association, presented the points 6 of 10 out överdokumentationen as the most important measure to reduce the workload.

If the minister of education took the lead in the clean-up in the jungle of skolbyråkratiska requirements, she can go down in history as the one that unleashed the massive lärarkraft which, in turn, was the Swedish students ‘ learning outcomes, as to shoot up in height.

This is a huge potential to ensure that more people want to become a teacher, that teacher will remain a teacher, and they who have fled the profession can be attracted back. It should get the government to act more resolutely than what we’ve seen so far.

. Ensure that the notification letter should always be handled by skolhuvudmannen first. Only then will it get appealed to the Inspectorate. It would be a measure that eases the pressure on teachers to constantly stand in readiness for inspection, at the same time as the number of cases at the Inspectorate would reduce so that the state can actually save some welcome million in reduced appropriations to the agency.

If the minister of education took the lead in the clean-up in the jungle of skolbyråkratiska requirements, she can go down in history as the one that unleashed the massive lärarkraft which, in turn, was the Swedish students ‘ learning outcomes, as to shoot up in height. Make a generalöversyn in order to clear up and remove the required documentation and the required elements. Rely on teachers ‘ professional responsibilities and become the minister who fills the government’s speech on level of trust in governance with a content.