How kolugn and harmonious as I felt before so my heart rate is always up in the one hundred and eighty here in the time between the Central station and the metro and my feet strive to run. Want to tackle down people, tjurrusa forward without a goal, which, driven by an invisible electric grisfösare. Just the same as everyone else around me seems to like. Dead eyes without a soul, as in the glow of the fluorescent lights and bleached the tile rushing into nothingness.

Imagine that lantisar, that I, with the heart in any kind of soil, and as stepped here directly from a visit to a native village with jämförelsevisa expanses, with the support of the contrast, see it even clearer – how we are the wild animals of their own accord flood in a massförvaring that rotates between home and work.

, I think that we are genetically still in the stone age, and it is said that man then lived in groups of 25-30 people. Remember, a teacher at the university who argued that we probably do not really are capable to take in and relate to – empathize-for – more at a time than the group size we are evolutionarily adapted to. We did not have time, emotionally, into the urban.

Here, in the echoing kakelgången, where I kväljs, that of the biblical gräshoppssvärmar the face of the kryllande constant movement of individuals of my own species, I’m wondering. He probably may have had the right.

Lisa Röstlund is a reporter at Today’s News and asks whether or not the same phenomenon emerges in the ironic Ulf Lundellskt sounding open landscape – as many of us on a daily basis working in the now. The group is too large to relate to, and you do not know where the border line should be drawn in. The existential tankeloopen culminates in the fundamental question: Who should we really drink coffee?