TV It was an absolute match made in heaven’, at the most, had a ‘spark’ so that Each of her Tim also effective against the wall could paste. But look, the two are from each other. Final over and out. It is the unpleasant surprise at the end of this ‘Blind Married-season. Happy made Line & Victor clear that they do have together through life to keep going. At their own pace.
Nearly four months after the ‘huwelijksexperiment’ of ‘Blind Married’ were the five couples are still together one last time for a state of affairs. Last week we saw how Jolene & Lenny and Annelies and Joris according to the expectations of an end made to their short-lived marriage. At Jolene & Lenny were there sparks and maybe even a bit of pure sex – “I’m going to, in good conscience, say that it is the first night not happened,” so you made Lenny clearly to the four other men – but that sex is only a marriage can’t make or save was so clear.
from the start of this ‘review-episode’ jump the lights on red for what we are invariably to be the ideal couple had seen. We saw Each come with Tim and heard her say that Bessy, the dog of Tim, its still recognized. What do you mean recognize? Lived, the two do not in full satisfaction together? No so, as was clear later. Tim confessed that the two had decided to have each their own apartment, and to their familiar surroundings to return, but still a lot to see. And then it turned out that the doubts that were there were not not. In fact, the doubts were only confirmed. No passion, no real love, no passion to each other against the wall to paste.
A week before the pictures fell, the verdict: end marriage for Each, and Tim. That ‘match made in heaven between two people with a lot of life experience, and yet was still not as ideal. “Cut the knot was difficult. And we know that family and friends really, really going to find”, and put the two out. “My parents found Tim to be the ideal son-in-law and us a great couple. They see why we matched and how we match. But if there is not enough….”, commented Every. “We also know why we matched. And it is hard to grasp why that spark is not there. Why I miss Any? And they are not me,” added Tim. Plenty of questions and musings for the whole of Flanders for a few nights with sweet.