In Ankara, there will be no recount of the votes after the local elections. The election Commission rejected the appeals of the AKP of President Erdogan. The new mayor of the CHP office.

After 25 years under the Islamic-conservative management is governed by the Turkish capital of Ankara, for the first time from the Opposition. Mansur Yavas of the center-left party CHP took office as the mayor of Ankara.

objections of the Islamic-conservative government party AKP against the election results in the capital had rejected the electoral Commission before. Yavas said, justice will stand in the foreground of his term of office. Ankara and Istanbul were 25 years of Islamic-conservative citizens of ruled masters – 15 of them from the ACP.

President Erdogan called for after the election, a recount of the votes.

Erdogan calls for a recount in Istanbul

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan defended the claim of his party, after a complete recount of the votes in the mayoral election in Istanbul. “As a political party, we have found that certain organized acts have been carried out,” Erdogan said.

In local elections on October 31. March had received the Opposition to the current state in Istanbul the most number of votes. In the city on the Bosporus, the opposition candidate Ekrem imamoğlu, achieved according to preliminary results, but only a wafer-thin lead over former Prime Minister Binali Yildirim.

Erdogan’s AKP party had requested on the Sunday at the High election Commission (YSK) for a recount in the metropolis. According to the Deputy party Chairman Ali Ihsan Yavuz, the application for all the districts, except one, in which the ACP called for a cancellation of the election result.

decision is pending

the decision of The YSK to the objections. After the announcement of the preliminary results of the ACP had obtained in the case of local election authorities for a recount in some districts of Istanbul. In these ongoing counts imamoğlu leads with around 16,000 votes against Yildirim.

EU Commission Vice -: “ACP-election must accept the results,” 06.04.2019 Atlas |Turkey |Ankara

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