
When I arrive to Israel a month before the israeli elections, I see his image everywhere. He is tall and distingerat grey-haired and have very blue eyes. It is said that he is the only person that can greatest king Bibi. Perhaps he has a plan for peace? Perhaps he has an opinion about whether Israel can survive as a democracy if it annexes the millions of palestinians without civil rights?

Everywhere men on valaffischerna. The opposition the general bunch to the left, the reigning king’s collection to the right. Photo: Oded Balilty

No, he has not uttered a word about anything whatsoever and when he finally announces his candidacy, and his party – Israel’s Resistance – he does it with a violent movie from 2014 year bloody war in the Gaza strip. Benny Gantz was then the supreme COMMANDER and in his promotional video spins the numbers quickly until they land on 1 314. So many terrorists have Gantz liquidated. ”Only the strong wins,” is the slogan. And so the tall man with the red fallskärmjägarbasker, the son of survivors of the Holocaust, over one night the israeli opposition’s favorite.

The liberal opposition is desperate. Then you can support the army in order to trap king Bibi.

When Gantz is merging with two additional former commander in chief, and a populist politician, rustles the rates up again. Four machomän meets voters on election posters throughout the country. Not a woman in sight.


German Model and tv host Rotem Sela is seemingly the patriarchate’s dream; a beautiful young woman, who deals with fashion and entertainment, not politics. But so may the blonde enough and takes to the floor on his Facebook page:

”When in the hell will anyone in the government explain to the public that Israel is a state for all its citizens. And that everyone is born equal. Even the arabs, God will know, is the people”.

German Model and tv host Rotem Sela. Photo: Noam Revkin Fenton/AP

Sela react on the present högerkoalitionens mantra in this election campaign: a change of government is possible only if the opposition support of the arab parties. Twenty per cent of the country’s citizens are arabs and there are four arab parties in the Knesset. The last election won king Bibi by in valkampanjens last trembling minutes to get soffliggarna to go and vote because ”the arabs are rushing to the polls”. It has been stated that so can hardly be a prime minister of a democratic country to speak about one fifth of the country’s citizens. But now he does it again.

King Bibi replies condescendingly: ”my Dear Rotem, an important correction: Israel is not a nation state for all its citizens. According to the nationslag we passed, Israel is the jewish people’s nation state.”

Sela attacked on the worst on the net, and now hurrying one after the other of Selas colleagues – actors and models – to her defense. And so will the actual punchen from the Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, who played the role in Hollywood, and has 28 million followers:

”This is not a question of the right or the left, the jews, or the arabs, secular or religious. It is a question of dialogue, to discuss peace and equality and mutual tolerance. Rotem, sister, you are an inspiration to us all.”

Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called king Bibi in this text, because that is how he is perceived by his supporters. A king can receive gifts (luxury cigars and champagne for one and a half million), a prime minister, however, is liable to prosecution. Bibi’s constituents see him as a king, and a week after that korruptionsåtalet publication is the effect on the electorate is still minimal. Bibi is king. As king David and king Salomon, he can allow himself one or the other. As long as he protects us against Iran and Hamas.


Mona is sharp, independent, angry, sexy. She is the titular character in a new tv series with the same name. It is the arab-israeli actress Mira Awad who wrote the script for the first series ever with an arab woman in the lead role, which aired in the israeli television. And what a woman!

Mona lives in Florentin, the hippest neighborhood in Tel Aviv, she has a jewish boyfriend, and a successful photo studio. They live hipsterliv in Tel Aviv, go to parties, have free sex, smokes copious amounts of grass, grow psychedelic mushrooms. When Mona visits her parents ‘ house in the arab village refuses the father to talk with her – and she smuggled out the family who is assaulted by her husband.

Back in Tel Aviv, it says ”Death to the arabs” in her staircase, and when her boyfriend’s best friend falls as a soldier in the Gazakriget 2014 increased tensions. Mona and her arab friends are totally bilingual. The king Bibi do not find legitimate, have intimate knowledge of Israel. The arab women are on the way out of the traditional society; the educated, knocking the at what doors.

”When we send our sons to the army are the children. They come back as animals. This is the result of the occupation looks like”.

Oshrat Kotler, the well known news anchor for one of the major channels in Israel, commenting on a video of israeli soldiers abusing detained palestinians.

King Bibi tweet immediately that he is ”proud of our soldiers and love them a lot. Oshrat Kotlers words deserve to be condemned by all”. Thousands of complaints flowing immediately in to the tv channel, and Kotler called to disciplinary hearings with management. She and her family subjected to death threats. The following week gives Kotler answers on speech in their live news magazine. With tears in her eyes, she emphasises her own children and good friends, also serving in combat units. And that she only criticizes the soldiers who had been driven to harm innocent people ”because of our control over the palestinians in the territories”.


There are more women than ever in israeli politics, in the now outgoing Knesset represent women 30 per cent, a record that will hardly be surpassed in this year’s election. There are fantastically talented young female parliamentarians in the Labor party and in the ” Meretz. There are also very visible female politician in the government, the highly contentious minister of culture Regev as from the first day gone to war against the ”cultural persecuted by the leftist elite” and the valiant young minister of justice, Ayelet Shaked from a right party, of his detractors called her ”His beautiful face”. More women in politics does not mean automatically more votes for peace and democracy.

Justice minister Ayelet Shaked. Photo: Marc Israel Sellem/REX

the Issues of violence against women, low wages in female-dominated professions, large groups of children in kindergarten and school, poor public transport or soaring food prices is not something that will ever get the dignity of the elections in Israel. Climate change does not exist either.


On the great locations around rabin square, the organization of Women wage peace ” set up ”Her tent”, which will be there until the day of the election. Today’s conversation in the tent led by Israel right now most pungent critics, Dana Olmert. She talks about her newly published book, ”the Women’s barricade. The mothers of soldiers in the israeli zionist culture and literature ”.

the Mother who willingly sacrifices her son to the nation is a cherished image in the public conversation and in the literature. Olmert dare to turn against the national treasures like the soldatmodern Miriam Peretz who lost two sons in the war and who indulges in zionist education. She received the highest state award, Israelspriset, and gave a speech which was dripping with fiery nationalism. None other than Olmert has the stomach to challenge the exaltation of this zionist supermoder.

another national treasure – the author David Grossman – scrutinised by Olmert, who believes that he in his book ”fleeing from a sorgebud” kritiklöst solidariserar with the female character’s strategy; to keep hidden, so that reality can’t reach her.

There are not enough with rebellious mothers in israeli literature, turn Olmert fixed. And not in reality. The tent is filled with close-cropped retired women, they have sent their sons to the battlefield and now seeing our grandchildren to enlist in the army. The organization was started after the Gazakriget 2014. The women had had enough! But the younger women are conspicuous by their absence. They are busy to feed the children who are to become soldiers in the next war. The prospect will hardly be the king or general remedy.

Read more: Despite the threat of prosecution – Benjamin Netanyahu looks like a winner