“Nostalgia – from disease to political power.”

“Caroline Hainer on the risks associated with the ever-increasing tillbakablickandet”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“In the 1600s was seen nostalgia as a medical condition.”

“today it is different. Nostalgia has become a political and cultural force.”

“When the british 2016 voted on whether they would leave the EU or not, they used that wanted to put the picture of the old, grand empire that once was as a heavy argument. A successful strategy – Brexit-the fans won. “

“it’s not unusual, when it comes to nostalgia, to the time we long to return to never actually existed. Rather, it is a moderated idea of how things were.”


“that’s What makes nostalgia so strong, and this is why nostalgia works as a cultural (market)force. Facebook selects photo memories to us and say, ”Look back on this”. Instagram has got us to post old memories once a week during the hashtagen #TBT (Throwback Thursday, minnestorsdag).”

“Spotify makes lists to the us with the music that we played the most last year, and calls on the us to ”take a little ride along the minnernas allé”. Yes, just a year back counts as a nostalgic look back when the company shall create the atmosphere. “

“And they succeed. For when the nostalgia is shared, it grows and becomes a collective memory. As in the case of Brexit, and Trump. It’s just that the memories are false, or at least not complete.”

“It knows all that looked back at an old relationship with the warm longing and conveniently filtered out all the bad bits that made the relationship fail. In other words, nostalgia tends to be one-sided.”

“To say that it was better in the old days, as two-thirds of europeans do, according to a German study (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2018) is to see past the progress made in particular for people at the margin. They may not yearn to return as much to a time when women had the right to vote, abortion was illegal and homosexuality a disease.”

“the Uk was once a great empire, sure, but it will never ever be there again, and certainly not just because it pulls out of the EU. And would India and the other colonies provide for it? That’s right, Britain was an empire at the expense of other countries ‘ freedom. The small detail, yes.”

“we can’t go back in time, we can not stop the development – and the tour is well there. Who wants to be the same person they were ten years ago? Physically possibly, but it is not our ambition to develop, to become better?”

“Nostalgia in all its glory, but the best way to use it is to let the story show how we go forward instead.”