1. april is an eventful day in the media, which, by tradition, brings a fabricated news to deceive readers.

One of today’s news will delight the many dog owners in the country.

B. T. can 1. april namely the report that the Tivoli gardens in Copenhagen, there will no longer be an amusement park just for kids and adults, but also for dogs.

Already 4. april must Tivoli be the opening of a new ride particularly aimed at man’s best friend, writes B. T.

DR must have had the good fortune to persuade Ghita Nørby, together with his colleague Malene Schwartz, who played Maude in the ‘Matador’, to be hosted in a new P1 program with the name ‘Danish Divas’.

In London you can 1. april read, that the Planet moves from the island of Bornholm in the 2020 to Lindholm.

It claims the newspaper, that a secret kaffeklub on the prime minister, has decided together with the Index management.

the Idea should be to make the Planet a far smaller and more exclusive event’, writes Berlingske.

Politiken is also out with an attempt to deceive the readers. According to the newspaper the will the Danish people’s Party have the national Bank in central Copenhagen torn down.

– the Building is an example of the homophobes architecture with inspiration from the Bauhaus, which has destroyed our medieval towns the country over, say DF’s kulturordfører, Alex Ahrendtsen, according to Politiken.

He suggests, for example, according to the newspaper, to instead build a new national bank after the model of the baroque building, which in the 1700s was on the ground.

Here you can read a selection of this year’s April fools ‘ jokes

* the fisheries minister Eva Kjer Hansen (V) has found a solution to ensure that Danish fishermen from being caught in a british brexit-clamp. – We build a sildehegn in the North sea, to keep the herring in Danish territory, announces the minister, in a press release in both Danish and English.

* While we are on the brexit, then notify SF, the party’s former chairman, Holger K. Nielsen, a consultant for the british government in connection with the chaotic negotiations about the brexit. – If not Holger should ku’, who would ku’, is it according to the SF, in the opinion of the british house of Commons.

* Food Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (V) has been sour on the raisins in the buns, kringler and squashkager. He is ready to take an outright prohibition. It costs too many resources, in kindergartens and in nursing homes to sit and tinker raisins out of the bakery, when no one yet bother to eat the dried grape, he argues.

* the Danish Newspaper B. T. has good news for the country’s dog owners. Tivoli amusement park opens a new ride designed for dogs. The name is ‘Mirage’, and here the dogs as well as owners could have an experience.

* In Givskud Zoo has bred a special species of butterfly in the rise of that the zoo’s 50-year anniversary this year. The special feature of the butterfly is that the pattern on the butterfly’s undervinger forming the letters ZOO.

* At the University of Copenhagen has two researchers from the Institute of Sports science and Nutrition has developed a fiskesnack for the government of Cambodia. Snacken is a crispy waffle with nutritious fillings enriched with siamesisk mudderkarpe and other local, dried fish from the Mekong river. It is an undeniable contribution to the fight against malnutrition in the world’s poorest countries, says.

* George can tell that the Planet next year, leaving the island of Bornholm and move to another island, Lindholm. It is the island, which, according to the government must accommodate the criminals and rejected asylum seekers. It is, according to the newspaper, a secret kaffeklub on the islet of Slotsholmen, which has taken the decision in consultation with Index management.

* At the national Museum exults director Rane and Climate of that school among the heaps of cigarette butts and empty beer cans made a startling discovery during last week’s garbage collector over the country. They found namely Egtvedpigens the second earring. – We have always been puzzled over why she only had one earring on when she was found, says Rane and Climate in a press release.

* the Utility company EWII in the Triangle announces that it is ready to help police to stop speeders. It must be done by you will allow the police to ask stærekasser up on the company’s electrical substations along the road.

* On Samsø, you will not stand back for the company Bestseller’s plans to build Western europe’s tallest tower at 320 metres in the Fires. On the island of Samsø has been going to construct a 350 meter high tower. The tower is to be financed by a donation from the United Arab Emirates, writes Samsø Posten.

* the Danish daily Politiken says that the National bank building in Copenhagen living on borrowed time. The Danish people’s Party will have torn down the building. Instead will be built in a baroque palace. – It is an example of the homophobes architecture with inspiration from the Bauhaus, which has destroyed our medieval towns the country over, say kulturordfører Alex Ahrendtsen (DF) to the newspaper.

* Also, the sports world is hit by the April fools ‘ day. The site ball.dk announces that this year’s cup final still not played in the Park. Nationarenaen is occupied by a branch of the international contest series in the speedway. Instead moved the finals to Malmö.

Sources: Berlingske tidende, BT, Politiken, Samsø Posten, ball.dk, miscellaneous press releases