The rank list reads for the FC Zürich still in the Winter: quite friendly. The team ranked 4, the width of the midfield of the League. And yet, it falters in its development. She has brought in the new year in seven games, to just eight points, and especially: you deserve stylistically, no good grades.

head of sports, Thomas Bickel expected to increase. But the 55-Year-old, for almost three years in office, not in the slightest way, as if he were nervous. As he sat down at the table, an Espresso, he says: “What do you want to know from me? The FCZ is a scandal-free Club, it is quiet.”

As we have an Interview in front of a Derby resulted, in October 2017 with then-GC-sport-in-chief Mathias Walther and you said you respect: “In particular, I’m not of GC inspired.”
you See …!

Is it in the FCZ really quiet?

it Would be also, if it would not have been sufficient two weeks ago against Xamax to a 2:1 victory?
We would also be closed in this case and with Conviction to the outside world occurred. We don’t just play something. We are real. But we were certainly relieved when we had got the three points against Xamax.

The FCZ benefits sure that the city rivals a little more excitement …
… the pressure from the Public and the media is perhaps not so great. But we let the unrest occurring in the first place.

The Figures after 25 rounds say that the FCZ of the mass: 8 wins, 9 draws, 8 defeats, 35:36 goals.
We know the facts very well and deal with it self-critically.

How far the self-criticism goes?
We in the Association are not satisfied with the recent performances, the coaches and the players are as well little. The Team needs to be more lively, the communication needs to be better. We had a lot of games, Yes, we had a few injuries, Yes. We have a wide squad with which we are failures, can compensate. In the foreseeable future, a positive development has to take place. We need to improve.

“Kevin Rüegg as a Captain? We want to be brave, and he embodies the FCZ philosophy.”

So you don’t accept excuses?
no. The fact is that to many players of their shape, not far behind, and we don’t meet our expectations. We love good, beautiful, passionate, dynamic soccer , but we show enough of this. We need nothing nice to talk. Maybe not everything went on with our planning as we had imagined.

What do you mean specifically?
We planned that the newly employed Georgians Lewan Charabadse as a 19-denies-Standing equal to all of the games. But then three outside defenders were with Kevin Rüegg, Pa Modou and Joel Untersee. Already we saw ourselves with the criticism faced that we were not careful with regard to the staffing of this Position.

Consider also Decisions from the past, self-critical?
For example?

In February 2018 coach Uli Forte had to go in spite of rank 3, Ludovic Magnin came, but noticeably more of the FCZ is not.
We have regretted the decision the coaching change, never. And if you don’t say that we are considerably more, you have to take into account: will We have a chance of completing the season in 3rd place, we are in the Cup semi-final (against Basel) and we have survived in the Europa League group stage. These are outstanding results.

But the high points are remained since the 3:2 against Leverkusen.
it’s hard to refute.

“Ludo is Ludo, and he should stay there. But it is also clear that he needs to work on.”

Lack the FCZ to personalities?
Maybe. But this is a Problem that many other teams have.

An obvious change took place in the winter break with the Captain-change: The 20-year-old Kevin Rüegg took over the office from the 27-year-old Victor Palsson, who moved in January to Darmstadt. This choice was …
… daring. We say Yes: We want to be brave. Kevin Rüegg embodies, it embodies the philosophy of the FCZ, is a figure of identification and has already the necessary maturity. It makes sense that Rüegg has taken on this role. He was the best solution. But we still have other Young that are a proof of the fact that the door of their own talent to the first team is open.

The other Clubs also claim.
Yes, but who implements that? You see how many Young are in the case of YB or Basel on the court. In Switzerland, there is no other club that can boast of a ratio as we do. We trust the boys with the risk that the stability in the Team is missing sometimes. And once we have worked up afterwards is also critical, has exaggerated the Trainer: In Sion he made to many Young at a time.

Saw the Magnin?
Yes. It is important that a coach realizes, if he has committed an error, he must be capable of learning. Alone, he is lost. Who has the feeling that no Council will accept, will not have success. Even a Pep Guardiola says that he is still learning every day.

What convinced you to Magnin?
Football skills with each Trainer. Magnin is in Occur sure, he makes the players stronger. Maybe the appeal of them now. (chuckles)

Good idea: You realize it’s the results not necessarily.
Yes, some things fit together, not quite yet. But I am convinced that It will come to the Turnaround.

How has changed Magnin, since he has taken over the team?
Ludo is Ludo, authentic, and he should stay there. But it is also clear that he is working on and how each of the coaches a day to practically re-invent itself.

To work is with him in the first place: the sovereign be a line on the side?
We all need to be in certain situations, a sovereign.

And when he says in Thun after the Match that he had seen from 500 meters, that Benjamin Kololli penalty was ripe fouled …
… I have to say that I could have seen it from a mile away. (laughs) Oh, this is not dramatic, and I don’t need to blame him. I was also once a Trainer, okay, on a different Level, in the juniors. But I was also a fury on the edge of the field.

We do hard for us with this idea: you, as a fury.
Yes, Yes …! (laughs) to a certain degree I have some sympathy for Ludo, but clear: He needs to learn, and he does. It would be good if we would discuss in a year, that he should change his dealings with the referee.

you Have the impression that,Magnin is thin-skinned?
no. It’s just that the coaches have to withstand a tremendous pressure. It is an absolute Stressjob and safe is not always fun.

it is all too easy, when one asks: Magnin is just quiet.
Yes. We want it to be, however, that the trainers live. And as long as everything is in scale happening, may not be a Problem. Recently Frankfurt’s coach Adi Hütter has kicks it in the emotions of a water bottle, and was referred to the tribune. What’s the point?

Benjamin Kololli displayed on the FCZ emotions, as he smashed a replacement with the fist the roof of the substitutes ‘ bench.
He is one, of the polarized. But we want players to show the emotions. It doesn’t have to be the same eleven Kolollis. And as for his outburst: I told him that. Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to make it a big story.

What are the prospects of the FCZ in the medium term?
With this topic I’m dealing with daily. The gap in world football apart goes even further. If we do in the summer in the transfer market something, we want to strengthen ourselves. Just: Because creativity and the right Timing are essential. It is becoming increasingly difficult to land a Coup. Mimoun Mahi (the Moroccan-Dutch dual citizen comes in the new season of Groningen) could well be one, from him we expect a lot.

How many millions of purchases are for the Summer?
you ask the President. The accounting is simple: If you want to spend money, you have to take. So far we have managed it very well.

there Are already offers for players?
not Yet. But there will be.

For whom exactly?
For players. (laughs)

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.03.2019, 23:19 PM