Sofie turned 27 years old on February 16 and celebrated with their friends at Bar Vulkan in Oslo. Until the wee hours they spotted Arbeiderpartiets Trond Giske, they got in touch with him, talked idly for a while and politician danced a little bit together with Sofie. The dance was immortalized by her friend who put up a video on Snapchat.

up by the tabloid Verdens Gang, journalist Lars Joakim Skarvøy booked interview with Sofie, which she deeply regret today. The Sofie now has told TV2 she told me also of Skarvøy: barkvällen was only fun and Giske did nothing inappropriate at all.

She showed him the entire video clip where it is clearly stated, and added that she did not want to be quoted, even if they would publish, but Skarvøy insisted and had, at the meeting with notice to Arbeiderpartiets party secretary Kjersti Stenseng was very concerned after watching the video. 52-year-old Giske, former minister of economic affairs, had as the party’s group leader in Parliament has become accused of several sexual harassment and submitted all their assignments at the beginning of 2018, but at the time, he had only recently made a comeback in the regional parliament.

Read more: Giske go after allegations of sexual harassment

repeated their requests published in Verdens Gang on February 21, the news, including quotes from Sofie: ”We danced and had fun, but then it became a bit much so I and my friend went from there.”

With Giske background got the news a large impact, but when NRK later got a correct quote on the filmsnutten from Sofie took mediekritiken quickly over the insinuated scandal. ”We gave an incorrect picture of what happened that night and it is serious” have VG’s editor-in-chief Gard Steiro, among other things, said in their many attempts to pour oil on the waves.

Trond Giske received a position of trust, he likely had been otherwise, Sophie has been very poor over both it and the unwanted attention, but what the consequences will be for the VG is not clear. An internal investigation landed on Wednesday in Gard Steiro will remain as responsible editor and to the reporter Lars Joakim Skarvøy take six months paid out.

– In principle, the board of directors believes that it is extremely important that the media owners clearly indicates that it should be allowed also for editors to make mistakes. If the editor does not know the security will we get a more toothless press, said VG’s chairman Torry Pedersen after the announcement.

– Then there will be sometimes wrong and, when it is so, they must be corrected and regret. There is nothing in the Steiros practice of redaktörsrollen in VG, which shows that he is not aware of this responsibility. It would not be a proportionate consequence if Steiro would have to leave the post as that VG’s editor because of this thing.