Simone Eggler, every two weeks is killed by a Person in the context of domestic violence , the the new Police crime statistics of the Federal government. Compared to the previous year this is an increase of a third. How come?
Over the last few years were always reported back to fluctuations. Between 2009 and 2018 were killed between 19 and 36 people. With 27 Victims, the current number is in this range. The Shocking thing is: The Numbers do not decrease, and the over the years. Every Person who is killed because of domestic violence, is one too many.

What pattern can be seen in these homicides?
Domestic violence is primarily violence against women and girls, whether it is a result of violence with or without death.

Terre des Femmes Switzerland calls for the long overdue implementation of measures to combat violence against women and girls. What you are asking exactly?
First it needs to violence against women and girls be recognized as a Form of violence at all and accepted. In Switzerland, there is this perspective, and the existing measures and structures are not aligned on violence against women and girls, but on domestic violence. The achievements to date to curb domestic violence are important, feminists have fought hard for it. But now it is time to improve this further and to complement the violence against women and girls.

in 2017, Switzerland has ratified the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. To what is committed in Switzerland?
The Federal government needs to take measures at all levels to combat violence against women and domestic violence, and consistently and with sufficient resources to implement. Four main pillars are: prevention, victim protection, law enforcement, and a coordinated approach.

In April 2018, entered the Convention in Switzerland. How is the implementation?
We are seeing the first positive effects, such as, for example, the increased cooperation between state Agencies, but also NGOs. But the big Problem is the lack of willingness of politics and administration at Federal and cantonal level, to really make the necessary resources available. There is a lack of money at all corners and Ends: The women’s shelters do not have beds enough, and can provide no barrier to freedom. The girl house Biel is not funded. There is no 24-hour counselling services for the whole of Switzerland. Prevention projects received hardly any money. And these are just a few examples. Worse still, It will be saved at all corners and Ends. The equality office is to be abolished, the Intervention of Domestic violence to fear for their existence.

How does it look on the legal level?
Also on the legal level there is a lack of political will to change laws. As refugee women, the experience of fleeing violence, because the victims assistance act are not entitled to support through counselling. Women experience in marriage, violence, risk at a separation still of the expulsion from Switzerland.

“The big Problem is the lack of willingness of politics and administration at Federal and cantonal level, to really make the necessary resources available.”Simone Eggler, project Manager at Terre des Femmes Switzerland

There seems to be a fundamental Problem in the implementation of measures.
Yes. When it comes to violence, is often operated only a symbol of politics, by, for example, in the Sentence something is changed. However, when it comes to concrete measures, which would be much more effective, but cost a bit, then majorities will find currently difficult. But if we in Switzerland are really serious with the fight against violence, then we must also make the relevant Finance available – otherwise these are just empty words.

Which of the parties do not help in prevention of Violence against women, what?
In the last few years has increased the awareness of violence against women and girls with representatives of all parties, not least because of their own experiences, for example, in the Federal house. Unfortunately, not enough politicians from the bourgeois and right-wing parties, however, are not yet ready, not only to criminal tightening, but also the effective measures, the cost just to agree with you. Therefore, it is often not sufficient for majorities. In national administrations in the Convention are involved, due to the Istanbul-more and more, from the Swiss Federal statistical office to the cantonal migration service – but how to concretely implement the commitments actually will show up. The willingness to do so is currently very different.

Nevertheless, a success, there have been: In December 2018, National voted to the Council of States the Federal law for the improvement of the protection of violence – affected people. So far, the victims had the right to a so-called lack of interest Declaration – authorities had to refrain from prosecution of the offender and the courts of this statement follow. With the new law, a higher level of responsibility to the authorities to decide on the progress of a procedure. The hope: That more violent offenders are sentenced. What do you think?
This law has actually brought improvements to supports as with respect to the Suspension of the criminal proceedings, the Amendment of a relief of the victims we have. However, we very much regret that Parliament has enshrined the commitment to the training of the authorities on the topic of Violence in the law.

Yet it has managed this innovation in the law: In the event that a criminal case will be suspended, authorities may commit the accused persons to enter a learning programme against violence. The importance of this work with perpetrators?
The work force performing people is an important part of violence prevention. It is important that these voluntary or mandatory offers, as well as working with the Affected sufficient resources so that they are low-threshold and accessible to all. Finally, we always end up back at the same question: when is Switzerland ready to provide enough money to ensure that violence against women and girls and domestic violence can seriously and effectively prevent? Until today, she does not do this.

How Switzerland stands in an international comparison when it comes to domestic violence and violence against women?
Where is Switzerland with respect to measures, it will show if you must submit a report to the Istanbul Convention report, and we have a direct comparison with the other States. Concerning the victims, we do not focus on comparison to other countries, but on the target, that there is no domestic violence and violence against women and girls. And here in Switzerland, like all other countries, still has a long way to go. This is the crime statistics, but also other Numbers. At the same time, we are faced with a poor data situation. Data on violence against women and girls, must be recorded separately. This is important in order to have a basis for Action.

Where do you see the root of the problem of domestic violence and violence against women?
In the case of the lack of equality. Gender roles and stereotypes can lead to violence against women and domestic violence. There’s a lot of prevention work is needed. The can be effective public relations campaigns. Schools should make the topic more in curricula and teaching materials are included. However, as mentioned, especially in the case of equality is saved.

What women need, first and foremost, if you are affected by domestic violence?
Low-threshold facilities, places where you can get without any hurdles help to get once you have made the decision to help. Women’s shelters and specialized counseling centers are carefully designed. It offer for the whole of Switzerland is missing, however, a professional 24-hour consultation, where Affected by phone and online, in different languages, as well as in sign language easily and at any time support. It doesn’t exist until today and is also not planned by the state.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 27.03.2019, at 20:25