3: 45 PM on early Tuesday morning, there was for the first Time the applause in the transport Commission. After a nearly 17-hour session of the working group 1 of the National platform for the future of mobility several times on the edge of the Commotion had stood, and paid tribute to the 20 members, the AG Chairman Franz Loogen respect. He had moderated the last session of the marathon and the previous Meeting in which the experts from industry and environmental associations, companies, trade unions and science for months until exhaustion on measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport had negotiated.

enthusiasm not wanted to pay for the professionals in the morning. As you donated a few minutes later, again to applause, praised the meager result of their work – a thin package of measures is not sufficient by far to achieve the climate objectives of the Federal government for the year 2030. To arrange instead for the transport sector, a total reduction of 70 million metric tons of CO2 compared to 1990 – so a good 40 percent, remained a gap of 16 to 26 million tons left.

“We are disappointed that the Commission could not agree on measures to close the climate gap,” said Dirk Flege from the Alliance pro-Rail Alliance in Berlin on Tuesday. On this basis, Germany will meet its climate change targets miss the mark. In a joint statement with the environmental associations BUND and Nabu, as well as the Bicycle Club ADFC, the Alliance regretted that they had not agreed, for example, the introduction of a quota for electrical cars and a Bonus-Malus scheme for new vehicles, i.e. taxes on vehicles with high consumption and subsidies for vehicles with energy-efficient drive. The national air transport as a climate-most harmful of traffic the area had not been addressed, said Flege.

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industry is satisfied

in contrast, there were industry representatives. Holger Lösch, Deputy BDI managing Director, said it was a “major step forward”. The necessary fields of action and lever to be clearly described. “We know now much more precise, as the mobility of the future must look like.”

Agreed had give the experts pointed out that the government should examine the CO2-emissions in transport and other areas for a price. It goes to all sectors not covered by emissions trading in the EU. This would also affect the building sector, agriculture and parts of industry. A CO2 price would make the Driving of cars with high fuel consumption, expensive. However, the working group also placed emphasis on socially responsible design.

Also, the auto Association VDA said positive. “The working group is aimed in the right direction.” It had shown what Technology ramp-UPS are possible and which areas is now quickly acting should be, in order to make climate protection in the transport sector. “In the short term, electromobility has a key role,” said the VDA. For the ramp-ideal conditions and “determined efforts and investments of all Parties” as well as “high customer demand” is necessary. Among the climate protection measures to which the working group had agreed, among other things, a significant Expansion of passenger and freight traffic on the Railways, an Expansion of the charging infrastructure or a high-run electricity-based fuels.

As the main cause of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases Mainz researchers from the smallest of fine dust particles.Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

From the policy and sharp criticism of the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) came on Tuesday, the former Considerations had reprimanded the Commission for the speed limit or a tax increase on Fuel to the public. Scheuer carrying prohibited “with his Thought and acts of sabotage”, the responsibility for ensuring that working group 1 had achieved a satisfactory result, said Anton Hofreiter, Greens parliamentary leader in the Bundestag. “His goal was to thwart from the very beginning, the climate protection in the transport.” The conflicts, which were entered into by the Commission is evident, could only be politically solve. “The Federal government is therefore now on the train,” said Hofreiter.

After Easter, it will go further

The incomplete interim report of WG1 as well as other reports of the other five working groups of the NPM are passed to this Friday now, the steering group of the platform, under the leadership of Henning Kagermann. After Easter, the professionals want to come in the AG1 then together again to discuss possible additional measures. The next steering Committee meeting is scheduled for June. The plans of the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD), the CO2-reduction targets by 2030 in the summer to be held to enshrine it in law, now generally unrealistic. “This is history”, it said on Tuesday from the Commission. At the earliest, the end of the year in the best case, you can expect a bill.

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climate protection in the traffic environment Minister Schulze speed limit holds for the “completely unrealistic,”

the work of The transport Commission had designed the last is extremely difficult – not least because of the traffic and economic intervention of the Ministry for solid. So Ministers of transport, Scheuer had set in the meantime, the direction: He does not want to “prohibitions, restrictions and price Increases,” but “incentives, promotion, Innovation”, had said the Minister. Without having to set a price for CO2 emissions and sanction so that the climate-damaging modes of transport, would not achieve the goals by 2030, however, had declared himself the Federation of German industries and the corresponding “climate paths” are calculated. Environmental groups criticized the BDI was konziliant, reject but in fact, the government’s target.