gift A bag full of noise, crocodile jaws, or a fake football world Cup – lost, what is Olaf Scholz (SPD) peer-reviewed on Monday at a table in the Federal Ministry of Finance, in a German authority. Actually, even in the entire Republic. Because the objects in front of the eyes of the Minister of Finance were the most spectacular finds, which has ensured the customs in the year 2018.

a Total of 5.1 billion euros in duties have been taken over the past year. The inch engine with more than 140 billion euros, around half the tax revenues of the Federal government, such as Scholz announced at the annual press conference of the German customs. The majority of this was accounted for by excise taxes and import turnover tax. This is an increase of over ten billion euros in annual comparison. “A successful outcome”, stated the Minister of Finance. Despite the good Numbers the next few years, however, are a challenge for customs.

but First, a look back: The number of persecuted customs offences and suspects has fallen, therefore, since 2016 17.333 on 14.663. Also, the trade in weapons of war. The number of seized cigarettes has halved in the past two years. In other areas, the Trend is the opposite. Thus, the amount increased both of the confiscated Heroin as well as amphetamines; also, 1254 kilograms of seized explosives mean a strong Plus. Product piracy also remains a Problem: in 2018, were seized Goods worth almost 200 million Euro. With 67 percent, the majority comes from China.

A new Trend Colette Hercher, the President observed the General Directorate of customs in the area of species protection. This includes protected species of plants and lively animals. “So far, the majority of Goods was smuggled on transport, at airports or on the road,” says Hercher. “In the meantime, the smuggling runs, often by Post.” Overall, the customs in this area noticed an increase of 38 percent.

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The Brexit order as an unknown challenge

with the Brexit, however, could come soon, more work on the customs. Both Scholz, as well as Hercher tried, however, the importance of the UK leaving the EU to downplay. He is not a new and special task for the customs, said Hercher. “It just means more work.” The tasks were the same as in cross-border traffic with other countries. 900 civil servants should be set for the Brexit resulting tasks, she said.

Approximately half of them for the work directly at the borders. Since the training need, however, time, she said clearly: “We will have to respond with the personnel we have.” Scholz expressed confidence that the customs was well prepared for the Brexit. “We will now be able to act immediately,” he said. You’ve made arrangements so that the staff could be deployed more flexibly, and have improved the IT-based clearance system.

However, not only the border control, the task of customs. With the financial control black labour and illegal employment (FKS) of the customs against illegal employment and benefit fraud. Was detected in the past two years, the damage caused by undeclared work in the amount of approximately EUR 1.8 billion. In addition, the number of detected violations of the minimum wage law of 1316 in the year 2015 increased to 6220 in the past year. Of which had been in 2744 cases of the minimum wage. This does not mean, however, that the crime had risen so sharply, so Scholz. We have earlier revealed simply less. “It is only by the work of customs, we find out what is happening there,” he said.

You’ll strengthen this area even further. The focus of the controls in the construction industry, restaurants, and the package industry. Here, Scholz looks at sub-contractors for action. He was also open to tougher measures, such as for the demand of the trade unions, businesses for minimum wage violations of public contracts to exclude. “As you see me to be quite open-minded,” says Scholz.

Green call for increased minimum wage-control

Particularly proud of the customs on the case of “pearl”. In several States, persons from the bouncer and drug scene had built up over the years, a network of companies exhibiting with each other invoices and the Treasury to a total of ten million euros in taxes deceived. The officials were caught in the open, because reports of suspected money laundering became more frequent and in-site testing irregularities were found.

then a large cocaine delivery in Hamburg was blown, brought together police and customs, their observations and were able to take five of the main offenders that have been sentenced to two to four years in prison. In addition to the bouncers is also a 60-year-old accountant was involved in the Laundry for years, several money firms operated.

The German chamber of industry and Commerce (DIHK) described the new customs Figures as a “warning signal”. “Germany is one of the most of the product – and brand piracy-affected countries in the EU”, said DIHK-legal expert Doris Möller. “The counterfeits do not hold often the requirements for product safety or emission limits, and can be dangerous.” The Greens call for stronger controls of the minimum wage. Otherwise, give it to him only on paper. “Just overslept, the Federal government so far,” said Lisa Paus, a Greens spokeswoman for financial politics. The customs need more staff.

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the fight against illegal employment, Olaf Scholz, is equipping the customs on

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The Scholz looks so. In 2018, had already started in 2000, customs officers in their training, a perspective view of 6000 new jobs should be created. In addition, the profession should be made more attractive by the entry-level salary will be raised in the middle of the service.