The human body needs iron for red blood cell formation and oxygen transport to the tissues. Good iron sources in the diet are for example red meat, offal, dark green leafy vegetables and legumes.

the animal kingdom hemirauta absorbed significantly the plant kingdom non-hemirauta better. Iron absorption from food is influenced by many factors, with one of the most important is vitamin C. The absorption of undermine, inter alia, coffee and milk products and vegetables oxalic acid.

the Iron absorption from the diet can be challenging. Certain iron preparations you can take any food with, so the quality is worth paying attention to. Low hemoglobin, in addition to also dried up the stock of iron, i.e. ferritin can cause iron deficiencies symptoms.

These symptoms can tell you about iron deficiency:

All experience occasional fatigue. Prolonged fatigue, which does not explain the life situation related to the clear things, like, say, that the children of the family waking up at night or eyes that shift work causes sleep deprivation, can tell from the low hemoglobin.

Because hemoglobin carries oxygen in the body, can the brain suffer lack of oxygen when hemoglobin levels are poor. The brain’s lack of oxygen to the symptoms describes severe headache.

If fuse is constantly tense and I feel stressed out or even inexplicably anxious, can symptoms behind be iron deficiency. Oxygen suffering from the body has an alarm mode and not able to relax properly.

iron deficiency makes skin look pale and tired. Often also the nails and hair become brittle, and lips chapped to iron deficiencies symptoms.

in Particular, if you suffer from more than one symptom, there may be reason to suspect that the low hemoglobin values.

iron supplements the most important feature is good for absorption

When looking for a suitable iron product, don’t select anything. Iron absorption from the tablet is not self-evident.

Domestic Bertil’s Hemoglobin is a versatile blood values to elevate the tablet, which includes a well-absorbed amino acid chelated iron in addition to vitamin C and other carefully selected ingredients. Bertil’s Hemoglobin strengthen the blood hemoglobin values by supplementing iron levels, and adding the same new red blood cells. Unique composition makes it an effective and stomach friendly and can be enjoyed even if dairy products and coffee.