“The minister of justice: We men have to change us”
” It is men who must change us, says justice minister Morgan Johansson (S).”
“the Number of women who reported that they had been abused by their partners has declined in Sweden since 2015. Then promised the Swedish government as a national strategy against violence in close relationships.”
“in 2017 was notified less than 10 000 cases. But according to the survey, Violence and health from 2014, carried out by statistics SWEDEN on behalf of the National center for women’s welfare, said every fifth woman that she is subjected to systematic psychological violence, and 14 percent of women in Sweden, almost half a million, that they have been subjected to violence or threats of violence in a relationship.”
“Jenny Westerstrand, president of The national organization for women’s shelters and young in Sweden (Roks), has a two-tier picture of the development of the work against violence against women.”
“On the one hand, so she sees a greater knowledge on the part of the police and judiciary, and a strengthening of the women’s movement from below, such as the reactions during the metoo-the movement or the protests that followed after the documentary about the Josefin Nilsson.”
“On the other hand, is experiencing the women’s shelter is that it is harder to get spot on a jourboende, that the focus on men’s violence against women dropped off and the money spent on efforts that do not always appear to have an effect. Such as a hotline for men who abuse – but according to Jenny Westerstrand almost only used by their wives or girlfriends.”
“We are not opposed to men get the support but are worried if we lose money on efforts that do not work,” she says.”
“Carin Götblad, regional manager at the police in Uppsala and the national coordinator against violence in close relationships, do not agree with.”
” I do not think that men’s violence against women will be overshadowed. It is such a complex problem, she says to TT.”
“She wants, as well as the women’s shelter, an increased coordination of efforts against violence in close relationship as she wants to be classified as a public health issue to raise awareness and knowledge on how to deal with the crime and responding to those vulnerable to increase in health care, researchers, police officers, and school for example.”
“Morgan Johansson think it is good that attention was once again directed against violence against women after the documentary about the Josefin Nilsson.”
“– This is a structural oppression. There needs to be a change in the attitudes of us men to put a stop to this, ” says Morgan Johansson to the TT.”
“He mentioned a variety of changes in the law, which he believes signals a stricter approach on violence against women from the society page.”
“– But I wish that more men went out and took the measurements from the kvinnoförnedring and ill-treatment, even in everyday life, ” says Morgan Johansson.”
“Morgan Johansson points to a series of legislative changes that have been made over the past 20 years, signaling that domestic violence is unacceptable.”
“For example, he mentions the criminal aspects that were done about twenty years ago, which meant that several misshandelstillfällen could be added together and lead to harsher punishment.”
“He also takes up the tightening of the sexbrottslagstiftningen, with samtyckeskrav and stricter punishment. Also the new offence of unlawful invasion of privacy, which involves the prohibition to spread the pictures to the cia, is a way to protect women, in his opinion.”
“Morgan Johansson also mentions the extended possibilities for electronic surveillance in violation of the kontaktförbud, and upcoming rules, which means that it will be released on conditional can also be electronically monitored.”
“He also takes up violence, which will involve special straffskärpning.”
“in the Future are also thoughts in an investigation about tightening up the legislation for men who turn in the presence of children, so that children become independent victims of crime. It can mean enhanced penalties.”