In the dictionary, it appears that ‘satire’ is a ‘form of expression through the use of humor, irony and exaggeration exhibits or criticize specific people and their actions, especially in the context of a political or any other current case.’

It must inherently be seen as funny.

But the satire in Radio24Syvs program The Short Radioavis is according to Amnesty International, become too acidic and corrosive.

– It is about harassment. She has long been subjected to persecution and harassment. For weeks she has been contacted numerous times been called up in spite of the fact that she has requested that we refrain from it. She has blocked their number but then they call just from another number. She is crying, have anxiety, have heart palpitations and have difficulty sleeping. She has it really bad. It is the consequence of the systematic smear campaign, says the secretary-general of Amnesty International, Trine Christensen, to Ekstra Bladet.

for a long time has Radio24syvs satireprogram ‘The Short Radioavis’ made phone calls to the Amalie Garden, which the shape of the Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm prosecutor Have to be a ‘helligfrans’, because the Amalie Garden has criticized Luke Graham to release a cover version of rapper XXXTentacions number ‘Sad’.

the Band pulled the song back, after that Amalie Have encouraged its 86.000 followers to ask Luke Graham on why he supported a rapper, who several times had been reported for violence against women, including his pregnant ex-girlfriend.

In the program have the fictional journalist Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm looked Amalie Haves Spotify playlist through and found artists who are accused of murder and violence.

According to Amnesty International, the programme’s listeners subsequently sent up to 100 hadebeskeder to the Amalie Garden as a result of the programmes.

– Some of them call her just plain stupid and mentally deficient, while others are even more violent. They write that she should be raped so she can keep the mouth shut. It is very violent for a young person to experience. It is for this reason that we go into the matter. We can see how bad she has it, says Trine Christensen.

Amalie Garden has for several years been behind the feminist activism and is a sharp critic of voldtægtskultur, violence against women and minorities.

Amalie Garden was even raped in 2014 and has since then worked with to create more awareness and justice for the victims of rape.

– Where do 24syv over the line?

– We think the satire is very fine, but when it goes over and becomes harassment, which affects a human being of flesh and blood, and which give rise to threats and further harassment, so keep it up with to be fun. It also hinders Amalie to express themselves.

She should have written a column for Berlingske in connection with the kvindekampdagen, but she has withdrawn because she is afraid of further harassment

– if you Think, 24Syv is responsible for what their listeners are doing after they have heard the programs?

– It is the program that puts the time in published, so, therefore, we hoped also that they would put a stop to it, when we contacted them and made them aware of the consequences. We were hoping they would act as a decent media. That they have chosen not to do.

– you do not take care of freedom of expression?

– of Course. But this is about harassment.

Ekstra Bladet has spoken with the head at Radio24Syv Mads Brügger.

– According to Amnesty International, Amalie Have been angsanfald and experienced insomnia as a result of your programs. They say that In is not pursuing you as a decent medium. What do you say to it?

– First and foremost, so I hope that the Amalie Garden is getting better. On a almenmenneskeligt level. In addition to it, so I would say that one receives threats, so you have to go to the police.

– the Whole premise that we are to blame, that there are people who threaten the Amalie Garden and write nasty messages to her, the likes not at all.

– Why not?

– If this is the case, then all the debate in the media go in the stand. If Lars Løkke Rasmussen writes a column in the newspaper Politiken, and he receives threats because there is a crazy man, who has read it, so it is also not Maintenance fault. In the same way, it is also not our fault if there is one or another tossebold that comes after the Amalie Garden on the grounds of our satire.

– I will not overrule that it may have been uncomfortable for Amalie Have to be the subject of satire. That’s how it is like, if you are a target for satire, but I think the case has been exaggerated. We are talking about five small feature in the programs of one hour duration. It will be produced as if Radio24Syv has not made other than to hetze Amalie Garden. It is therefore not talk about.

– It is described as on that for weeks has been calling for her several times a day?

– simply do not fit. They have called for her four-five times from the program.

– From the Amnesty, you say that she has blocked your number, but then just called from a different number though, she has asked you not to call more?

– There, we are out in technicalities, I am not inside.

– So you still think there is coverage in order to do this satire?

– Fully. It is clear-cut. The Short Radioavis examine whether she practices what she preaches.

– Now it has the led to advokatsag and the requirement that In the remove programs. What do you say to it?

– We are steadily. There are no programs being pulled back.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Amalie Garden and her solicitor, but without luck.