The latest outbreak was first discovered in the province of Kivu on 1 August and then spread to the grannprovinsen Ituri.

The death toll, 629 people, is the second highest which is known for the disease. Most fatal so far was an epidemic in west africa 2013-2016, which claimed 11 308 lives, according to the american folkhälsomyndigheten (CDC).

the spread has been hampered by, among other things, poor security in the country’s eastern parts. Five ebolacenter have been attacked since the month of February, sometimes by armed attackers. The violence was the organization Doctors without borders to suspend operations in the midst of the outbreak last month.

a virus disease was detected for the first time in 1974 in a community near Ebolafloden in the democratic republic of the Congo, hence the name of the disease.

Ebola is caused by a virus that is spread via body fluids, and belongs to a group of diseases that is usually called the blödarfebrar. This is because the virus decreases the blood thinning, and can result in bleeding in the skin and mucous membranes. High fever, weakness, headache, and muscle aches are other symptoms.

Last week confirmed a ebolafall in the town of Bunia, where nearly a million people live.