On the weekend, went to Germany, Austria and Switzerland, tens of thousands took to the streets to demonstrate against the EU copyright reform. Tomorrow, Tuesday the EU Parliament will vote about it. Amongst other things, to the question of whether platforms like Youtube will in the future be required to have to prevent copyrighted text, images or Videos are uploaded. Opponents of the Reform, including many young people, fear that will be used to upload filters to be too restrictive. Some fear censorship.

Tech pioneer Jaron Lanier (“Ten reasons why you need to your Social Media Accounts immediately to delete”) left for these protesters, only ridicule. In the current issue of “time,” writes Lanier you an ironic letter in the name of the tech giants. “We love to be always rich.”

“We,” Lanier speaks ironically, in the name of the Silicon Valley “you will find it incredibly cool and practical, that the pirate parties, the payment of authors for a Form of censorship, or as always, just your Dogma.” The assumption that the EU is forcing the companies to do so, first Filter, is also a faulty assumption.

Lanier, the protesters are just useful idiots of the big tech companies wanted to get their business model. This is based on data, and data can acquire the companies of mass-and without pay. Data from those that are currently against the EU copyright on the road. Lanier’s punch line: “at The Moment, you love the System that doesn’t rip the copyright, while we, the Big Tech giants, rich the reward once.”


Created: 25.03.2019, 13:53 PM