their behavior was unacceptable. “We will hold the participating rioters to justice,” said GC President Stephan Anliker. Supporters of the club had provoked in the encounter against FC Sion with a massive Pyro-use of a game crash. A week has passed since then. Criminal charges are not filed, the Zurich club.

the Faster it goes in the Canton of Valais. “Violations of the explosives act are official offences. Therefore, we have opened a process,” says Markus Rieder of the Canton police. “In addition, the city of Sion has to be refunded, as the owner of the stadium due to damage to property.”

According to the Swiss Football League, the perpetrators are not yet identified. Now footage from the stadium Tourbillon should help. “Sion has upgraded two years ago, technically, and has high-resolution cameras,” says chief communications officer Philippe Guggisberg. “The images were processed by the Club and the police. In the hope to identify the individual perpetrators and to hold them to account.”

330 violations of Hooligans against the explosives act

the League with the Club is because of the infrastructure in the exchange. The regulations calls between guest sector and the playing field is always a safety net. “Such is also the Tourbillon,” says Guggisberg. However, it is not enough to up to the roof, which enabled throws the Pyro. “With respect to the network, the stadium owner must ensure that no gap is present.”

Despite nets and high-resolution cameras: The chaotic rage regularly and in all stages. For the first time, the Police coordination platform Sport (PKPS) reported in the first half of 2018 systematically between cases in the top-level football. In 44 percent of all encounters lit Fans Pyros. The Hooligan-database of the Federal office of police (Fedpol), shows the widespread use of blanket. 1110 measures against Fans, like stadium bans were in January – 330 of them due to violations of the explosives act. “The number of these offences has for years been stable at a high level,” says Fedpol spokeswoman Lulzana Musliu.

The authorities try to complicate the purchases. Since 2014, a Book-keeping requirements apply to dealers. Who wants to pyrotechnics must submit a statement, including a copy of the ID to the seller. For imports from abroad, it needs a permit from the Fedpol.

Anything other than a 0:3-Forfait-defeat the Grasshoppers would be a surprise after the game crash in the Tourbillon. Video: SRF

impressed with the Ultras, so the fanatical and violent followers. Court procedures show how to circumvent the rules. 2014 FCB was convicted of a Fan of the dozens of flares and smoke pots in the Switzerland had smuggled in. “A bulk order for colleagues,” as he said in the process. The Goods he had ordered online from Poland, to a German delivery address near the Swiss border. From there, he led them illegally into the country.

In the spring of 2017, a young Lucerne had to deliver more than 100 firecrackers, petards and Pyros from Poland to Germany. With the train, he made the fireworks in Switzerland, where he lit out to travel in the car a Petard. In the meantime, the Teenager received a criminal command of the Lucerne youth advocacy because of damage to property, offence against the explosives act and other offences. He was obliged to, among other things, to a performance of 20 days. In addition, it was arranged for a one-year probation.

increase in self-made firecrackers is a cause of Worry

open the sentence for a Fan of FC St. Gallen, made in 2016, with fireworks in the stadium for a game crash. In his bedroom police found an Arsenal of pyrotechnics. The man does not name his suppliers, because he wanted to not burden anyone, is in the files. However, several petards evidence came from a Polish online shop.

With just a few clicks, you can order on the net Pyros. And also a mailbox near the border to rent. The Fedpol, the mesh is known, as in the case of the Swiss Federal customs administration. “Pyrotechnical Material is regulated because of the potential danger, strictly,” says spokesman Michael Steiner. “By smuggling an additional risk is created potential.”

This has also recognised by Interpol. In December, the authority launched an international campaign against illegal fireworks. 80 tons of it seized by the investigators, arrested 35 people. You have smashed a “highly developed criminal group”, say it in a message.

But in the stadiums it burns, most recently in the Canton of Valais. PKPS-head Markus Jungo: “We increasingly see self-made firecrackers. These have enormous explosive power, and are probably even more dangerous than professionally produced Material.” (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 23.03.2019, at 22:41