“Stefan Löfven on ‘ crimes of honour’: don’t Belong in Sweden”

“Great interview with the prime minister before the S-congress in Örebro”

“the HAGUE. Stefan Löfven (S) is self-critical and believe that Sweden has done too little to stop ‘honour crimes’.”

“– It is not at all at home in Sweden and then it is to oppose it as strongly as we can.”

“But he would have run over their party members, he refuses to recognize.”

“the social democratic party congress in Örebro, sweden beginning in the afternoon. “

“Over the weekend to 350 elected representatives and discuss the two key issues, the future of the organization and the skills supply in the labour market. “

“A number of other issues will also be discussed at seminars. No motions will, however, be treated, since such a procedure is missing this time.”

“”Stifles the freedom of people””

“An area where the party leader himself, prime minister Stefan Löfven (S), to sharpen the tone is about ‘crimes of honour’. “

“today it is estimated that around 100 000 people in Sweden, both girls and boys, to live under the tight control of the relatives and next of kin.”

“– It doesn’t belong here. It is to stifle the freedom of people, to not get to choose for yourself how you should touch yourself in your community, who to hang out with, is madly in love, want to marry, it is a severe limitation of people’s freedom, it is not Sweden, ” says Löfven.”

“Himself, he doesn’t use the word ”honour crimes”, but notes that it is the term which now exists.”

“” I have so fucking hard to take the word of my mouth, I can’t see anything honorable with this, it’s the other way around.”

“Sweden Has been naive in the matter?”

“– We have in all circumstances done too little over a long period of time. It is why we now have to get to a strategic and long-term systematic work.”

“the Work against honour crimes fit in the day in the government’s strategy to combat men’s violence against women.”

“Löfven believes that the issue should be fought in both the short and long term. With the enhanced penalty, which the that commit crimes with hedersmotiv should be able to be judged extra hard, but also through changes in attitude and increased knowledge. “

“Among other things, the question must be discussed in school,” he points out.”

“– And when people come into Sweden and we will have a civic orientation and tell you about what is okay and what is not okay here. In addition, the health care getting better at detecting this type of abuse. And associations that receive support from the society should not be in the vicinity of such here, if not, no money. “

” We shall not give up until all the young guys, girls and the elderly can live their life as they want to. It is that which is Sweden.”

“Want to stop the input”

“it Is important to change the attitudes?”

“– It is both and, as with crime in general. What is happening in the here and now, we must act against and take for the funds needed to put a stop to. But to stop the inflow and reduce this phenomenon, so here must, of course, awareness will increase.”

“Stefan Löfven is expected to arrive at congress on Friday evening or Saturday morning. It is determined by how long the ongoing EU summit in Brussels, where, among other things Brexit be treated, takes. There he went directly from the Hague in the Netherlands, where he had a meeting with Mark Rutte, prime minister.”

“Recently released S election assessment statement and where it was found that the Löfvens different flyktingbesked lowered the party. In connection with this, pointed out Daniel Suhonen, the initiator of the S-the association of Reformers, that the party is too bad to listen to its members, including in the issue of migration. “

“It is, however, an image that Leaves refuses to agree.”

“– Not, in any way, ” he says on the issue if he had run over the members.”

“– the Migration policy we are pursuing, we have once discussed at the congress, and it was very clear what we said then, namely that Sweden should take our share of the responsibility but not the whole of Europe’s responsibility. That is exactly what we based our decision on. It is clear that we are always rooted in the decisions we take in our congress.”

“After the election results were the worst in history, 28%, and januariavtalet with the MP, C, and L is the bubbling, however, the discontent internally in several issues. “

“the Youth league, SSU think, for example, that both are too bad to take young people, not least in terms of who highlighted prior to the elections. But also when it comes to what will be discussed at the congress.”

“Stefan Löfven said that he shares the Botströms analysis of the school’s importance to the development of society. He stresses the government’s efforts to strengthen the school and the teachers ‘ situation. Then he adds that the S this time chose to concentrate only on the education of adults and to labour market needs, among other things, to find the right trained employees for the jobs available.”

“– We don’t have enough good match. What I hope to get to is more of an interaction between the parties, the municipalities and other actors which is best to see to their needs, but they must get the resources they need from the state.”

“Stefan Löfven launches Saturday morning with to keep the speech to his party colleagues. There will be both ”public policy and the importance of education in this process” he tells me.”

“at the same time the Leaves established that he looks very much forward to meeting their colleagues in Örebro.”

“– It will be great to get to meet the whole party, a party conference is something very, very special.”

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“What conflicts he is waiting on congress:

“– The major conflict is not in the party. I hope for a real discussion, it should be so at a party conference, there should be different opinions, for it is what moves us forward. But the major conflict is not inside the party, but between what we stand for, equality, freedom, and to develop a caring society on the one hand, and högerkrafterna on the other hand, not least with the conservatives, christian democrats and sverigedemokrater. Where is the big conflict.”

“– It is both public policy and, of course, linked to the main topic of the provision of skills and education and formation and its importance for the freedom of all people.”

“What he says about that many people in Sweden are afraid of ICE-returner can become problems in the society:

“– I understand it and the anger we all share about the horrible acts they have committed, they have thrown people from the ceiling, sold the women and children, raping, halshuggit. We are all equally outraged over it, so why should we keep track via the security service, the police and the municipalities. Will you check in the country and has committed that kind of crime should be brought to justice. “

“nHedersbrott in Januariavtalet”

“In januariavtalet as the S, MP, C and L entered into highlights the importance of honour related violence and oppression to be combated by more stringent penalties and more knowledge. “

“Crime with hedersmotiv shall constitute an own legal classification of the offence and introduce a special straffskärpningsgrund crime hedersmotiv, states.”

“Suggestions to congress”

“coordination of efforts for strengthening the provision of skills:”

“A grow – and växlareform in order to strengthen lifelong learning. Studiemedelsystemet be changed to better fit professionals ‘ training.”

“Special omställningsuppdrag to the polytechnics and colleges.”

“A national co-ordinating service for learning in the workplace.”

“labour market training should be better adapted to labour market needs.”

“the Number of training places at the university of applied sciences and the college shall increase by at least 30 000 by 2025.”

“Easier to switch to a bristyrke.”

“A digital leap in welfare with emphasis on development in digital technology.”

“Study and career guidance shall be through the whole life.nGymnasieskolan to ensure that all young people are prepared for the labour market.”

“A new national form of education, läraraspiranter, is introduced, which allows the employment of part-time in the school with the salary, in parallel with the training of teachers.”

the “Organization to be improved in order to stimulate the political discourse.”

“Better digital accessibility – a digitisation commission is appointed.”

“10 000 new members should be recruited each year.”

“the 200 000 väljarsamtal shall be held each year.”

“nFakta: Stefan Löfven”

“Name: Kjell Stefan Löfven.”

“Occupation: Prime minister (S) since October 2014, was re-elected in January 2019. The leader of the social democrats since January 27, 2012, succeeded Håkan He is. Former president of the IF Metall and welders.”

“Live: Sagerska house, holiday homes in Örnsköldsvik.”

“Family: Wife Ulla Löfven and her children and grandchildren.”

“Income: 172 000 sek per month in statsministerarvode.”