Bartender awakened to the illness severity of asleep at the wheel on the way home. Tempur

Two and a half years ago, fifty Mikko Kuuppo know, that all was not in order. He had left to drive tired home from work and fallen asleep at the wheel.

This was preceded a long-lasting, severe fatigue and strange, unexplained symptoms.

I Was two at the time of the day already exhausted. Weight gain, muscles ached, and fuse had all the time taut. The more I slept, the more tired I was, the Blow to the sales director working as a Kuuppo recalls.

falling asleep at the Wheel after he decided to go to the doctor, and the diagnosis was clear: sleep Apnea. Kuuppo received therapeutic CPAP device, which has been in use for two years now. Device to open the airway during sleep, reducing snoring and breathing breaks.

I have found the position of an independent, really bad sleep apnea. Breathing in breaks of 88 pieces in one hour. As soon as the first device with the sleep the night after the energy tripled. Soon I began to have again exercise. In the past I could not have imagined that I would be too tired to go after work for a walk, Kuuppo describes.

Now Kuuppo works sleep apnea treatment active. He hoped that the disease would be raised to the people of the disease among them, and that it would be in the public eye more open and more.

– Uniapneaan associated with further shame. It is thought that it disables the and device use is perceived as burdensome. In fact, however, I feel that if, for example, to lose falling asleep at the wheel because of a driver’s license, so yes, it disables a lot more.

the Size of the bed to change the

obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis and a CPAP device will Kuuppo began to pay already more attention to their health and sleep quality. One of the essential changes was a pillow exchange.

– Since the device strips come in the face and behind the head, is a pillow should be such with which the device is not moving. Pillow importance of sleeping comfort is really great, so it is worth investing in and turn to a specialist.

Several options after testing Kuuppo end up tempur the Millennium pillow, and could not be happier with. Also old bed changed Tempuriin.

– I have pads of two different height – lower at home and higher travel and hotels for sleeping. When I go to bed at night, wake up seven hours from rest from the same position, he told me.

Spouse pointed out for snoring

Unihoitaja Heini Aro-Ojaselle Kuupon the story is familiar. He faces the job of Pirkanmaa hospital district, Valkeakoski unipol clinic constantly people who suspect they have sleep apnea.

– typically, the reason is, that the spouse is told by snoring and breathing interruptions, or that feeling of constantly feeling tired and the mood bad. Also high blood pressure, especially in the morning sign of sleep apnea, he told me.

Unfortunately, few sufferers to understand to seek a doctor. Referrals however, the number of 10 years has increased significantly and the queues are long, which tells me that the awareness of sleep apnea has increased.

– according to Estimates, some sleep apnea sufferers can be in Finland up to 300 000, but only a small part has been diagnosed. To further complicate matters it, that all do not become symptomatic. Severe sleep apnea can be asymptomatic, Aro-Ojanen explains.

in Addition, some of the symptoms of the suffering of not taking it seriously enough.

– Some people even get irritated by the diagnosis and experience it as a burden. A lot of it is also that has been tested on a machine years ago, but perceived it to be complicated and therefore discontinued. I hope that such situations would be taken feel free to contact your territory manager, Aro-Ojanen describes.

in fact, I at least give a very fast up, but I encourage you to try again. The new devices are really high quality, silent and sophisticated. They adapt quickly.

the accompanying disease may increase the risk

Diagnosis is extremely important, however, because obstructive sleep apnea, the consequences can be very serious. The right treatment can ensure that work ability is maintained and quality of life will improve considerably.

as well As the Aro-Ojanen that Kuuppo are keen to encourage anyone who has one or more sleep apnea symptoms – the morning of a sore throat, fatigue, unexplained weight gain, muscle aches or irritability – seek medical attention even sure. Sleep apnea is often combined with overweight, but in fact a third of sufferers are of normal weight.

Treatment to prevent sleep apnea related diseases, premature death and sleeping accidents in traffic. Severe untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type ii diabetes, arrhythmias and the risk of stroke, Aro-Ojanen explains.

Heini Aro-Ojanen is In Unihoitaja

TAYS Valkeakoski unipol clinic working Heini Aro-Ojanen is selected In unihoitaja for 2019. In unihoitaja I chose the fourteenth time the Tempur and Finland Unihoitaja association. Aro-Ojaselle handed over to the confession in honor of 1500 euros Tempur-scholarship.

In Unihoitaja Heini Aro-Ojanen has been taking care of in particular sleep apnea patients in 2011. Tempur

– the selection criteria Heini Aro-Ditch commends the frank and pyyteettömään national and international unihoitaja training, promoting, in the unihoitaja follow the vice-president of the Nina Martikainen .

New better sleep ambassador has been involved in the development of unihoitaja of training as well as networking among the Finnish unihoitaja the club as an active board member and served the club as chairman in 2017.

– This recognition means so much to me. A lot I’ve been working unipotilaiden quality of care. Yes, I’m too proud of myself, Aro-Ojanen rejoices.

Care of insomnia treatment

Aro-Ojanen emphasizes personalized patient care. Patient care would be important to orient at an early stage the right treatment to the unit. Basic health care should receive resources from insomnia and sleep apnea patients interested the nurses.

Their responsibility for the moves inexorably tens of thousands of sleep apnea patients. Special medical care is no longer able to secure the follow-up of patients at the required efficiency.

I find it particularly important that patients continued treatment as an individual, and this large group of patients not treated with contempt. In addition, the nurses ‘ understanding of sleep disorders in patients would be important to increase already during the training. Let us appreciate the work we have done. That moment, which patients can change often throughout life, the Steppe-Ojanen stress.

Sleep-related diseases, unenhuolto, insomnia drug-free treatment and sleeping ergonomics have been all the time more also in the public eye. Everyone can make between small changes and good choices changes your sleep and especially sleep quality, In Unihoitaja recalls.

Good sleeping ergonomic under a better night’s sleep

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder, which suffers from random two-thirds and chronic in 5-10% of adults. Heated-paced work, high activity and rest low are the predisposing factors of insomnia. Often hectic schedule to facilitate the pinch time to sleep.

in All sleep disorder cases, it would be worth to check the patient’s sleep ergonomics. Proper sleep ergonomics is perceived also in the comfort of the bed.

– a Good sleeping ergonomics speed of falling asleep and improves the quality of sleep and ability to function, which is especially important in insomniac patients, says regional sales manager, physiotherapist Jukka Tujunen tempur night.