– It is a fun way to draw attention to serious and important issues. We choose to celebrate all these people on this day which is also a dilemma we face every day, okunskaper and a fight for everyone’s equal value, ” says Swedish Downföreningens president Veronica Magnusson Hallberg.
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within the compound there are a few members with mixed feelings about the World day for Down syndrome. It is about a frustration that the issue in many places celebrated during this day of the year – politicians, celebrities, and schools showing up in the legion on social media with #rockasockorna – but maybe not at all on the 364 other.
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– Then, perhaps, it does not feel so fun to draw on different socks and get to their respective operations only to discover that it is not so inclusive is always the case when it comes to the crunch in all cases. Therefore, it is also a way to raise awareness that we actually have come so far that people with Down’s syndrome feel included in society, ” says Veronica Magnusson Hallberg.
typically have three copies of chromosome number 21. Therefore falls international Downs syndromdagen the 21/3 every year. Socks has become a symbol for the day depends according to the Swedish Downföreningen that, once the socks are paired together at the heels, similar to the a chromosome – a cross.
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the Initiative was started from the beginning in the united states, and has spread internationally. Since at least 2014, the Swedish Downföreningens campaign ”rock your socks” has been widely disseminated, not least on social media, by sharing a picture of their different socks to ”rock the socks” in order to show their support for everyone’s equal value and rights.