Hooglede Contractor Dominiek Cassaert (55) from Kortemark is Tuesday night in Hooglede head-on with his minivan crash against a truck. “Fortunately, I was as good as silent, because I saw what would happen,” says the Hoogleedse trucker Geert Soenen (60). “After the blow I saw that man sitting in his cab and thought he was dead. To my surprise, he was unharmed.”

Geert Soenen (60), a contractor/farmer from Hooglede, reed Tuesday afternoon with his truck in the Kortemarkstraat. “I came from the direction of The Vossenberg. Just past the bend at the junction with the Hogestraat I saw from the other direction a van. Suddenly began to sway and turned to my lane. I slowed and hoped that the driver would have to swerve into his own lane, but that didn’t happen. A second later, there was a terrible blow. I saw a cloud of dust from the airbags, and when the substance of what went on, I saw the driver. I thought he was dead behind the wheel.”