At German universities more students are enrolled than ever before. Quite contrary to the Trend of any sixth location shrinks yet. the are Affected primarily universities and colleges that are located in the East of the country and away from cities. A total of 41 universities, students numbers declined in the past five years – an average of eleven percent.

The decline is mainly due to the fact that fewer students come from Germany. The same time, many of the affected universities and universities of applied Sciences but gained more students from abroad. “You can compensate for the loss of indigenous students […] at least in part,” now a study by the research division of the Council of experts of German foundations for Integration and Migration (SVR). The study, therefore, recommends these universities, specifically more international students to recruit. This could also be the lack of skilled workers on-the-spot alleviate, which will be exacerbated by demographic change in Federal States such as Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt is always more

Major hurdles for international students

However, international students face major obstacles when you take in Germany to study. Their dropout rate is significantly higher than the local students. 28 per cent of students discontinued in the year 2016 in the Bachelor’s degree in the German section of the study, to finish among the international students, 45 percent of their studies without a degree. International students “need more support and a more structured introductory study phase”, – stated in the study. Connected to be with a good social integration.

So many students from abroad, to network with your Fellow students. In the context of non-profit projects, local and international students could find each other and socialize. A typical example is the study module is “internationally Engaged” Studied at the University of Halle-Wittenberg. In a tandem project students work together with NGOs or not-for-profit projects of administrations or companies. By the way, as well as social skills, will be trained in the project can be credited, therefore, even as the study of performance.

Better mixed – to improve English language courses

knowledge of German and to increase the subsequent chances on the German labour market, the study is useful, instead of purely English-speaking courses of study rather mixed language. Overall, universities, companies, research institutions, employment agencies and immigration authorities would have to be in different areas in the promotion of international students participate. The Federal government and the countries should particularly support cash-strapped municipalities in this transition management, writes the author of the study Simon Morris-Lange, Deputy head of the SVR Research unit.

Often, it is for international Applicants is difficult to be first ever at a University in Germany. The study recommends that the universities are more flexible authorisation procedure. A proposal for pre-tests, which are tailored to international applicants. Depending on the test result, you could commit the applicant to the technical and language preparation courses. These exist at some universities, are often but only for certain subjects or are already fully booked early.

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With standardized Tests, which can also be in languages other than English, filed, Applicants, their knowledge of the German language at the time of Application are not yet good enough, not disadvantaged. “This reduces inevitably the level”, clarifies the author. Rather, it would enable institutions of higher education, the students individually prepare and to bind you.