Children of Bodom -the band Alexi Laiho finally found help for anxiety, when he realized his anger out in music.Alexi Laiho in 2015. Jenni GŠstgivar, Jenni Gästgivar
Children of Bodom -the band’s founder member, singer-guitarist Alexi Laiho , 39, once in their lives, Petri Silas write the biography of Alexi Laiho – Guitar, chaos & control (Johnny Kniga).
Laiho told openly how drifted into mental collapse in the late 1990s. The band’s success in Europe and over Japan-market Laihon be in the 19-year-old.
He said that he tried to avoid the crash by all means, but it didn’t help: a small thing ”caused a break down”.
One night, Laiho was a Whore-a band with Gothenburg city, when she collapsed.
– There, something happened, and as a result I ran to Kim’s house, locked yourself in the bathroom and kouri medicine cabinet into your mouth everything possible. I wanted to stop everything and gargle with the whiskey after him. Feel, I can’t do anything, Laiho told in the book.
Laiho woke up in Jesper’s apartment. This girlfriend was supposed to make sure that Laiho stop breathing.
He saved you the night of your life. This is told. They were also forced to break down the bathroom door because I had locked it from the inside.
the healing process
return to Finland after Laiho filed Jorviin and a psychiatrist. ”Nothing interested in, all the sick”, Laiho describes Gothenburg downward spiral.
Laiho was some time to the psychiatric outpatient department.
from There on, I was so depressed, however, worse than ever before, drinking and started on a rampage with various knives and with knives.
Guitarist Alexander Kuoppala arrived unexpectedly on the scene and took Laihon the same road to the hospital. Laiho got a referral to a psychiatrist. The situation calmed down for a while, but eventually the anxiety deepened. Laiho went to the psychiatrist, who saw how close to psychosis man and called the ambulance.
I Was in that condition, that I ended up for a while closed. There I was pumped full of tranquilizers and sleeping pills with the result that I slept like a scream in a few days.
– the healing process started when I reasoned that I strive to channel that shit and anger to the music. Maybe you should rather call friends than to cut herself alone in the dark butterfly knife. A few relapse has become, but in the deepest depression or anxiety attacks are missed, fortunately, history.
don’t stay alone – mental health problems and suicidal thoughts is available for comprehensive support.