The immediacy of its musical language, Benjamin Britten and Dmitri connects Shostakovich. In addition, both do not advance the progress of the avant-garde in the post-war period.

The evening of the concert house orchestra makes aware of what is Contemporaneity in the middle of the 20th century. Century means. The first British composer of international standing since Henry Purcell, and the leading composer of the Soviet Union, have left works in which history is manifested. Britten wrote his violin Concerto, as in Europe, the premonition from the 2. World war II with the German invasion of Poland to be true. The ardent pacifist is leaving with his friend Peter Pears Europe in the direction of America. The Spanish civil war, the beginning of which he has experienced, with the fall of Madrid to the end, to determine the fascists of the time. Spanish rhythms play a role in the concert, the world premiere of Britten’s friend Antonio Brosa in 1940, denies in New York.

In the concert hall plays it now, Daniel Hope, and the plaintive character of the violin is solos themselves today not to hear, to feel the spirit of the times. Hope copes with the intricate virtuosity of the music, their bite in the Vivace and the Passacaglia transfer at the end of a great cadence with insistent self-assertion. This means that for him the expression of the music, your drilling intensity, is on instrumental fetishism. The directness fascinated that Interpretation misses no listener. And in the melody, the opening of Beethoven Timpani, the peculiar gap between the sound of the Oboe and Tuba, to the optimistic climax, which leads, however, to quiet Solo, the mastery of the orchestra.

orchestra in top form

On the podium, which once belonged to the 1960 to 1977, the honourable Kurt Sanderling, this time as a guest of his son, Michael. Born in 1967, he experienced as a child, the close friendship of his father with Shostakovich. As a Shostakovich interpreter of the heritage.

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It is possible a flash at the end of the performance the 10. Symphony, the response of the composer to the death of Stalin. After the eerie well-the strings sound, the claim to personal Suffer from of the indictment, breaks the “portrait” of Stalin with a flash strikes, to on grief and violence of the-C-H motif prevails, the Shostakovich monogram. In dialogues and solos in the woodwind, the timpani rumble and the string choirs of the orchestra triumphed in the best shape. Michael Sanderling is a musician of fiery precision. The Shostakovich Tradition of the orchestra is alive and ignites.