Wingene In the case of the kasteelmoord started today the process of appeal. The Ghent court of appeal will make the process just a week’s time treat. Friday, the case must normally be in consideration, so perhaps even this year, the cloth will fall on the infamous murder case. This morning it was up to the lawyers of Gyselbrecht (68) to advocate.

The case of the murder of Stijn Saelens on January 31, 2012 in his castle in the West-Flanders, Wingene is fully transferred to the Ghent court of appeal. The public prosecutor’s office of West-Flanders, had appealed against the sentences for all the defendants, after some of the convicts already appeal had appealed against the judgment of the Bruges criminal court. AndrĂ© Gyselbrecht (68), Pierre Serry (68), Evert de Clercq (55) and Francis Larmit (42), respectively, to 27, 21, 27 and 15-year prison sentenced.