skin on it, sometimes next to it and risking more clear text as a Merkel: For a party leader without a government Kramp-Karrenbauer is noticed after a short period of time.

By Corinna Emundts,

In the first months of the new CDU party boss, there is a day that symbolizes the new situation after Angela Merkel’s withdrawal from the party office web quite well: In the party headquarters in mid-February to discuss well-known heads of the CDU and the CSU in the “workshop conversation” on the topic of Migration with experts, you have to struggle with the proper interpretation of the Christian-democratic refugee policy from 2015 to today. Had invited Kramp-Karrenbauer. A missing: Angela Merkel.

Not a Faux Pas, but a deliberate act. The had discussed the two women in advance. A few meters away, meanwhile, the Chancellor with your party Monika Grütters and Annette Schavan girlfriends happily have a Drink at a hotel bar. The proximity to the Adenauer-house in the Moment rather randomly. They meet in private, on the outskirts of appointments. There may be, the Chancellor is sure that the party will not fall because of their refugee policies retrospectively in the back. The “workshop” is created by its successor as an intensive debate, without condemnation, with the finally, all the participants are satisfied.

Win-Win for Merkel and Kramp-Karrenbauer

This day in February of the current Win-Win Situation, in which the last crisis-ridden party, is shows: “AKK” is estimated in the CDU already for another course in the party of the many. The Chancellor, in turn, has freed from the burden of the party office and very satisfied with its successor, the count anyway to your Familiar. That remained so that the new Chairman takes part regularly in Merkel’s “Tomorrow” in the Chancellery. At the same time, the CDU poll numbers of voters are increased out in the country in the upward trend, and again to over 30 percent.

Kramp-Karrenbauer made it about in the ARD-deutschlandtrend rapidly in the list of the most popular politicians of what analysts for a party Chairman without the government office in, the speed is remarkable. In February, shortly before her controversial almost night joke, she was already number Two to Merkel. Now she has lost a few sympathy percent, but is still the front – for example, far ahead of the SPD chair Andrea Nahles.

you appear to be on time

The popularity values are not for you and your strategists one important Signal that you need a government office to be considered as a possible next Chancellor is selected. The Kramp-Karrenbauer, and certainly Merkel relaxed in Berlin-Mitte-discussed question of a premature change in the Chancellery. Even if some media are already claiming that the New question is currently: “How do I get into the Chancellery? How do I get rid of Merkel there?”