Human-Ken known Rodrigo Alves will rejoice in the fact that the Turkish Ali-the surgeon makes his ruptured leuastaan brand new.In the video Human-Ken told the nose surgery operation.

Human-Ken, i.e. Rodrigo Alves tell Instagramiaan positive news.

I’m very happy and relieved that I have found a very good surgeon that specializes in facial and jaw operations.

– As you know, I have had a jaw infection, with my chin came to a deep pit.

– This surgery is not a simple process, and in the world have that many surgeons, that this would be able to make, Rodrigo told me.

He commends the Turkish surgeon, Ali Mezdegia , who has promised to repair the torn jaw.

Ali has supported me and created the belief that leukana’ll be just fine.

Rodrigo Alves, i.e. Human-Ken got his chin inflammation, which will see it become a deep pit. Broadimage

– I Trust that I can get a V-shaped, symmetrical features.

Surgery is tomorrow and soon this incredible journey to Istanbul and self-cutting is part of a wonderful tv show, Rodrigo promises.

Rodrigo jaw problem began, when he had installed a chin implant. Soon the implant ruptured, and the man in the jaw came a little myhkyrä.

Eventually, the whole jaw got infected and it left a deep pit.

Rodrigo Alves has missed the bad cosmetic surgery on the hook.

If the image is not showing, you can watch it here.

in Practice, his whole body is treated with surgical measures.

for Example, he’s got a great six-pack, even if a man is told he’s out of shape. Fake meat, you are paid 26 000.

– People think I look like I am in good shape, but my stomach muscles are fake. I have stomach 26 000 silicone implants. The hand muscles are also fake. I don’t really have any in good condition. I can’t run even a couple miles, he confessed in 2017 Daily Mail newspaper in an interview.

Recently in the news was her eye surgery, because Rodrigo wanted for himself cat-like eyes.

– nobody’s eyes are cat-like, unless they leikkauteta as such, Alves justification operation is The Mirror.

Turkish surgeon Ali Mezdeg has promised to make His face symmetrical. Broadimage