All twelve swedes – six ladies and six gentlemen, took them further from the qualifying in the Drammen världscupsprint.

But it was just Stina Nilsson and Oskar Svensson, who reached the final.

Stina Nilsson took the easy on from the quarter – and semifinals, and impressed.

In the final, she was first into the home stretch.

But where had the world CUP-runner-up from Seefeld no power to challenge.

the 25-year-old from Malung, finishing fourth behind winner Maiken Caspersen Falla, second placed Astrid Jacobsen and third placed Natalia Neprjajeva.

” I did my best, it is hard to be four but I had no more forces to this day. The others were better than I, ” says Nilsson to SVT.

the national Coach Rikard Grip says to DN of the output:

– We have been spoiled with the podiums on the women’s side during the season. Stina looked strong, but she had not the power of the day.

” Hard to say, but it is no secret that she has been limited when it comes to training. It can be a factor, but it is impossible to say how much damage is the cause. It is more about the things that you do not have been able to prepare, ” says Grip.

Fourth cost points in the abstract for the Swedish star.

Stina Nilsson was in the lead with 63 points in sprintcupen ahead of the competition in Drammen before Caspersen Fall that are now picked up 50 points on Nilsson.

Before the sprint in Falun on Saturday and the world cup finals in Canmore, Canada, is different now just 13 points.

“It will be exciting competitions,” says Stina Nilsson.

Rikard Grip on the conditions:

– It is only the competition in Falun, which gives 100 points for a win, in Canada, you will only get 50 because there is a minitour. It will be quite clear about the outcome of the sprintcupen after the Falun gong, ” says Grip.

the season’s best race, but finished fifth in the final behind John Hösflot Kläbo that was superior and won the hemmatävlingen for the second year in a row.

” It feels really heavy even if it was the season’s best races. I didn’t get to it in the last curve, I thought it would go better in the finals, said Svensson to SVT.

He continues:

” this was my third or fourth finals. Feels hard that I don’t take the chance when I am there. But it is just to continue to work as will the where place on the podium one day, ” says Svensson förhoppningsfullt.

Now rolls the world cup on to Falun, sweden this weekend with the sprint on Saturday and 10/15 km on Sunday.