“New attempt to rescue the ceasefire in Yemen,”

“In an attempt to save the agreed ceasefire in Yemen gathered the UN security council behind closed doors. According to a spokesperson for the organisation said the UN envoy, Martin Griffiths to the council that he is still working to get the parties to implement agreed redeployment around the important port city of al-Hudaydah on the Red sea.”

“the City, which is controlled by Huthirebellerna, is strategically important for Yemen because the greater part of the aid coming into the country be in the way. The issue of al-Hudaydah is vital in the ceasefire agreement which the parties concluded in Sweden in early december.”

“IN the united states recommended on Wednesday by the adviser in the White house, president Donald Trump to use his veto against a proposal that is being prepared in the senate to withdraw support to the saudiskstödda the government forces.”