“Vacation climate in the Stockholm archipelago”

“check-in in a climate-smart cottage”

“you Can go on vacation without leaving a single ounce of carbon dioxide after themselves?nJavisst, in the project Zero Vacation at Lido you can go camping in the archipelago in a zero carbon way. “

“You don’t need to travel halfway across the earth to experience a unique and delightful holiday by the sea. Anyone who is keen on a eco-friendly stay, you should get to the Lidö in the Stockholm archipelago and check in träkabinen Zero Cabin. The little cottage on the nine square meters is designed by the Finnish industrial designer Robin Falck. Solar panels on the roof contribute to global warming and the large window facing the sea offers a wonderful view. Two beds and a hot plate is really all that can fit in the cottage, but the purpose of their stay at Lido is not to sit indoors – but to experience and enjoy nature. “

“the Guests eat from a local nollmeny prepared by the chef, Jonas Nilsson. You travel in zero-emission cars, boats and quads. “

“Want to contribute to a better climate”

“– More thinking, more on the journey to be sustainable, it also can offer something once at the target, which contributes to as little fossil emissions as possible. We want to show that small changes in everyday life can make a big difference for one’s impact on the climate and we hope that more people can be inspired and do similar own changes, ” says Olle Tejle, who runs the Lidö Värdshus and is responsible for Zero Vacation on the site, together with its companion Hugo Olofsson.”

“the Project Zero Vacation is a collaboration between, among others, the Archipelago, Lidö Värdshus and the company Neste oil is the world’s largest producer of renewable fuels. This project is the first in the world to offer a completely fossil-free vacation with zero emissions of greenhouse gases. Yes, except the air you breathe out of course. “

“carbon dioxide-free wedding”

“Zero Vacation is on its side, a part of the project Zero Island, which aims to make the Lidö fossil-free in a year. It should show that Sweden can achieve the goal if to have no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2045.”

“– We have during the eight years that we have been operating on the Tel worked hard with durability. To really reach far, so we need to be more. When we saw that there were others who wanted the same direction and were prepared to work for the same goal, it was not difficult to jump on, ” says Olle.”

“You can book a Zero Vacation from may 1 through Lidö Inn website. Lidö is a popular destination for wedding couples and anyone who is eager to be the first in the world to have the first carbon-free bröllopetu002Fnollbröllopet should fit on the in our. “