“London votes on brexit without a contract”

“A vote to leave the EU without agreement is the evening to step on the british brexittrappan.”

“at the same time runs out of patience with the Uk government and parliament any more – of both the voters as entrepreneurs and the rest of the EU.”

“It’s time for May to step down like 50 percent of respondents in a measure for the news site Politico after last night’s new’ no ‘ vote in the house of commons utträdelseavtal with the EU. Only 32 percent of the respondents wish that she remain.”

“the Measurement reflects the current divisions in the country. 35% want to have extended negotiations with the EU on the exit. 29 per cent want a new referendum. 25 per cent want to leave the EU directly without a contract.”

“Entrepreneurs sighs heavily.”

“– For every week that passes puts the entrepreneurs more and more on warehousing. The uncertainty is biting, ” says Carolyn Fairbairn, director general of the british industry and business association, the CBI, to the BBC.”

“In the morning added to the uk government, new proposals on emergency measures in the event that it becomes a avtalslöst resignation on 29 march. Among other things, the duties to be temporarily dropped 87 per cent of all goods in order to attempt to mitigate the effects.”

“Solid industry rejoices not directly.”

“– this is introduced in this country without consultations with the business, without time for preparation. These new trading conditions comes at a time when companies are blocked from its closest trading partners. This is not the way to govern a country, ” says Fairbairn to the BBC.”

“Outside the Uk, other EUROPEAN union of the spirit and the gnashing of teeth.”

“A avtalslöst exit – that tonight’s vote is about, it is expected, however, not get the support of a majority in the house of commons.”

“at the same time, there is hefty criticism of how Theresa May decided to set the evening’s question, which creates an unsafe location.”

“instead of saying straight yes or no to a avtalslöst withdrawal have May flipped on the issue. The members shall take a position on whether they say yes or no to reject a avtalslöst exit – at the same time as the text also notes that a avtalslöst exit continue it is going to happen unless the parties are in agreement.”

“Wrong, like many of those who definitely do not want to have a no deal mode and now considers himself cheated on a exclusion of it.”

“Wrong, I also think many people who want to have a no deal, but who now see it as even more difficult to win in the evening – especially since the prime minister also promised that her ministers should get to vote who they want.”

“Several amendments are therefore on the time from the board members before today’s debate and vote.”

“If the house this evening will vote no to reject a avtalslöst location has Theresa May promised that it shall be the policy of the government during the few weeks now remaining until the planned brexitdatumet march 29.”

“Otherwise, it is expected to be even a vote as early as tomorrow, on whether the members want the Uk to ask EU for an extension of the förhandlingstid.”

“How the other EU countries will adapt to it, however, is not given. Few are interested in pulling out of the current strife in the british parliament unless there is a clear plan for what should be done. A very short or a very long extension is rather what the rest is expected to be preferred.”

“the EUROPEAN commission’s finanskommissionär Pierre Moscovici asking for british vengeance.”

” We have done all we can. Now it is time for the british to say what they want, not what they don’t want, ” said Moscovici to the French tv, according to Reuters.”

“This is the next significant brexitdatum:”

“* march 13: the uk house of commons voting to leave the EU without the agreement of march 29.”

“* march 14 (about a avtalslöst withdrawal has been rejected): the house of commons voting to ask the EUROPEAN union for extended förhandlingstid.”

“* 21-22 march: the first regular EU summit in Brussels, according to the plans of the latter with the Uk as a member state.”

“* 25-28 march: the EU parliament gathered in Strasbourg, with the opportunity to ratify a utträdelseavtal.”

“* 29 march: the Uk should leave the EU, at 23.00 (uk time).”

“the EU and the Uk have negotiated a utträdesavtal which in detail regulates the uk exit from the EU, scheduled for the 29 march 2019. In the agreement included everything from the future of rights for EU citizens in the Uk and vice versa, to financial settlements in areas such as pensions and contributions to the EU projects which the Uk promised to be with and finance.”

“If the agreement is approved by the Uk parliament and the EU parliament will begin a 21-month transitional period until 31 december 2020, in order to further facilitate for the people and companies adapt.”

“If the agreement is not approved – for example, because of disagreements in the british parliament – is, however, the risk of a avtalslöst withdrawal and in such cases an abrupt amended relationship then all sorts of EU rules and permit to expire immediately from the 30th of march.”

“to alleviate the consequences of a possible avtalslös situation is currently preparing both the EU and the Uk emergency measures. The EUROPEAN commission has put forward 18 nödförslag to mitigate the effects of, for example, students, fisheries, and air traffic. On the EUROPEAN commission website is also 88 due diligence of the impact within a wide range of areas.”